Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Bit about Values

First, let me share a quote from Glenn Beck (who admittedly isn't the final word on anything, let alone everything; by his own admission):

"It isn't about 'right' or 'left', it's about 'right' or 'wrong'."

In watching politics, and doing a bit of study of politicians as far back as Woodrow Wilson, a fascist, let me explain one thing: democrats and republicans who are not based on Christ, are going to be wrong more than they are going to be right.

Yes, it's that simple.

Before I go farther, let me explain something. There are 3 word pairs I consider when I try to understand people and what they seem to be saying about whatever policy or principle they are discussing:

Even and Fair
Easy and Simple
Nice and Good

There may be others but these three will suffice for now.

I was a high school basketball official for 10 years, until my knees quit accepting the hardwood abuse, and a high school football official for 14 years. I was pretty good. I started doing state football playoffs in my second year as an official, if that means anything.

When I was the "referee" (the one in charge of the officiating crew), I often used "Even and Fair" as part of my pre-game instructions to the captains. I would explain that if we tried to call the game "Even", it would most likely not be "Fair". Why? Because the talent levels of the two teams, and more importantly, their playing styles, would make the game uneven at the outset with the team "more even" being the better team. Should we attempt to make the calling of penalties "Even" we could not also be "Fair" to the better team.

"Easy" and "Simple" are easy to figure out, so I will forgo an explanation.

"Nice" and "Good", however seem to be grossly misunderstood in today's society. While many people are "nice", few it seems are truly, at the core, "Good".

You ask, "How can you make such a generalized and rash judgment?"

That's easy, "I'm right."

While our current president seems like a very "nice" person (there is some doubt about that), he is definitely not a "good" person. How can I make such a statement? Using the statement of Christ and His followers: "By their fruits ye shall ye know them". see,20#16 or,20#16

What are those fruits?

I'm not going to enumerate them, because any honest person already knows. Think "partial birth abortion" if you really have no clue.

Let me state a few core beliefs, thus my Values:

I believe the teachings of the prophets and apostles, both in biblical times, and those who stand at the head of Christ's church today. Christ's church today is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. see

Therefore, I can unequivocally state, I believe The Book of Mormon to be the word of God, as well as the Holy Bible, where translations of men do not get in the way. I am against abortion, I support traditional families, freedom of speech, freedom of thought and religion, and freedom to protect our lives, liberty and ownership of property. I am against any political party or politician that does anything which might, even remotely, destroy any of these values.

I firmly believe abortion for convenience is murder and cannot justify supporting any candidate that does not vote in favor of life whether at its beginning or at its end. I also support the LDS church in their definition of the traditional family. see

It is these moral issues--and protecting our individual liberties, that have caused me to vote for those who will work to protect our freedom regardless of party affiliation. Unfortunately the choices have dwindled to nearly nothing.

By making these statements, I'm sure some readers will be offended. That's good, if I've made you think. I mean really think. If you are unable to think, then I'm sorry for you because you are lost unless you can somehow overcome whatever is darkening your mind.

I've noticed that those who are liberal can't answer a direct question with a direct answer. They can't state a personal core belief, because they have none. Their core is "tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine." see

And thanks for putting up with me for a bit.


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