Date: Mon, February 9, 2009 10:33 pm
Every once in a while I have some thoughts about just stuff really.
Last Sunday I was thinking about people saying there is no way to prove there is a God. This thought was provoked by a co-worker. He hates everything that has anything to do with God, Religion, and stuff he says "controls his life", Yes he used to be LDS.
There really is a lot of "evidence" that there is a God. After all if you made a world wouldn't you stick your "signature" on it somewhere?
The best place to start with any thought is at the beginning, or at its foundation. So, I thought about all the foundations of basic things to do with God and good, and basic human instincts.
I sent some of you one of my thoughts that explained that there is no such thing as Cold, Darkness, and Evil, because they can not be tested, or measured, except by measuring their opposites, Heat, Light and Good.
Scientists measure how cold something is by measuring the amount of heat it gives off. An example of this is what they do to try to reach absolute zero. At absolute zero all molecular motion does not cease but does not have enough energy to transfer its motion to another molecule. The motion in an object is set by energy. The type of energy that makes the molecules move is heat energy. The faster a molecule moves the hotter it gets, once it starts moving too fast it begins to "shed" some of its parts, or rather particles. When a molecule, or an Atom starts to shed its parts, it is said to be radio active. The "free radicals" collide with other atoms and start a chain reaction, hence radioactive poisoning. But lets back up some . . . okay, a lot.
When you touch something that is hot, you only know its hot because its molecules are hitting yours so hard and fast that your own molecules begin to become damaged, which hurts, or rather, burns.
Back to my point. You can not measure cold without measuring heat, therefore cold does not exist in and of itself, it can only be quantified by its opposite.
The same can be said of Darkness.
Darkness is only measured by "collecting" the photons flying around in the darkness. The human eye can pick up these photons that bounce off objects, and the brain creates an image based on the photons the eye collects.
The only way to measure darkness is by measuring the amount of light. You can measure light intensity but not dark intensity. Darkness, like cold, is not a thing. Its the absence of its opposite. Like coldness it is not a substance, it is not physical, and therefore does not exist.
To make a short story long, Evil is what you get when you take good away. We are taught in several places in the book of Mormon that mankind are by nature carnal, sensual and devilish, or said differently, selfish or self-consumed. Without Jesus Christ we can be no other thing, but evil. Wickedness never was happiness because happiness is the product of righteousness (see It is the measurable quality that quantifies your righteousness. True happiness is only obtained by being close to God, such closeness is only obtained by being righteous.
So how do we be both happy and righteous? "the spirit of God is given to all those who keep my commandments, (Rats! NO one can keep all the commandments all the time, old, young, smart, dumb, good, bad, EVERYONE will sin as long as they are mortal), so according to this scripture in D&C 45 there is no way to be happy. . . . except there is more in that scripture. "and to him that seeketh so to do" (
Both of these scriptures say that to be happy all we have to do is seek to keep the commandments. As we do this our ability to keep the commandments will increase, making it seem easier to do. As a product of this increase in our ability to keep the commandments, our happiness will also increase.
Someone once asked Mother Teresa why she was doing everything she was, when there was no way for her to possibly make even the smallest dent in the amount of suffering in the world. What she said was absolutely true.
"God does not require that I succeed. He only requires that I do the best I can."
So, to continue, remember that everything is by default Cold, Dark, and Evil, and when everything is cold, dark, and evil, everything will be completely dead, both temporal and spiritual. Only by introducing heat, light, and Good, can life thrive.
There was a reason Jesus said "I am the light, and life of the world."
So there are some long thoughts of mine. The fact that there is light, heat and happiness proves to anyone with a brain that God exists.
He's right, so now go fight with some secular humanist.
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