Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Very Sad Commentary
Should we buy them larger screen computers - or - a ticket home, permanently?
Nothing else need be said. This is one of their THREE DAY WORK WEEKS that we all pay for. I am ready to start from the beginning by voting out all elected officials and not letting any of them stay in office for more than two terms. No more lifelong healthcare, retirement, voting in their own pay raises, taking perks on our taxes, etc.
House Minority Leader Lawrence F. Cafero Jr., R-Norwalk, pictured standing, far right, speaks while colleagues Rep. Barbara Lambert, D-Milford and Rep. Jack F. Hennessy, D-Bridgeport, play solitaire Monday night as the House convened to vote on a new budget. (AP) The guy sitting in the row in front of these two... he's on Facebook, and the guy behind Hennessy is checking out the baseball scores.
These are the folks that can't get a budget out on time!
So, we've got a 30 day budget extension. Well, guess what, 30 days from now we will be in the same boat. I guess this makes it easy for the news reporters as all they have to do is recycle the same headlines from this week and from 2 years ago. And these yo-yos will still be playing SOLITAIRE!!!
I'm all for voting ALL out and start with a clean slate! Max terms and no life time benefits!!!
Shouldn't America Know So They Can Wake Up?
It's time for Term limits, no benefits, no retirement, PLUS, they should be required to abide by the same laws they pass and quit giving themselves a 'pass'.
I'm Karl and I'm getting angry...
Monday, December 21, 2009
A "Green" Plan I Am Behind, 100%
Go visit and (these 2 links go to the same page, so you only need to choose one)
I'm Karl, and I support this ad...
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thoughts From Thunder Ranch
Okay, to start, consider this quote:
"How fortunate for governments that the people they govern don't think." -- Adolph Hitler
Now read and think...
Clint Smith, Director of Thunder Ranch, is part Drill Instructor, and part stand up comic. Here are a few of his observations on tactics, firearms, self defense and life as we know it in the civilized world.
"The handgun would not be my choice of weapon if I knew I was going to a fight....I'd choose a rifle, a shotgun, an RPG or an atomic bomb instead."
"The two most important rules in a gunfight are: Always cheat and Always win."
"Every time I teach a class, I discover I don't know something."
"Don't forget, incoming fire has the right of way."
"Make your attacker advance through a wall of bullets. I may get killed with my own gun, but he's gonna have to beat me to death with it, cause it's going to be empty."
"If you're not shootin', you should be loadin'. If you're not loadin, you should be movin', if you're not movin', someone's gonna cut your head off and put it on a stick."
"When you reload in low light encounters, don't put your flashlight in your back pocket... If you light yourself up, you'll look like an angel or the tooth fairy...and you're gonna be one of 'em pretty soon."
"Do something. It may be wrong, but do something."
"Nothing adds a little class to a sniper course like a babe in a Ghilliesuit." (See )
"Shoot what's available, as long as it's available, until something else becomes available."
"If you carry a gun, people will call you paranoid. That's ridiculous.. If I have a gun, what in the hell do I have to be paranoid for."
"Don't shoot fast, shoot good."
"You can say 'stop' or 'alto' or use any other word you think will work but I've found that a large bore muzzle pointed at someone's head is pretty much the universal language."
"You have the rest of your life to solve your problems. How long you live depends on how well you do it."
"You cannot save the planet. You may be able to save yourself and your family."
"Thunder Ranch will be here as long as you'll have us or until someone makes us go away and either way it will be exciting." (See )
More Thoughts
- The purpose of fighting is to Win!
- There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield, and skill is more important than either.
- The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental.
- Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.
- If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.
- I carry a gun cause a cop is too heavy.
- When seconds count, the cops are just minutes away.
- A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him 'Why do you carry a 45-' The Ranger responded, 'Because they don't make a 46.'
- An armed man will kill an unarmed man with monotonous regularity.
- The old sheriff was attending an awards dinner when a lady commented on his wearing his sidearm. 'Sheriff, I see you have your pistol. Are you expecting trouble-' 'N o ma'am. If I were expecting trouble, I would have brought my rifle.'
- Beware the man who only has one gun. He probably knows how to use it!
"The true Soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him." G. K. Chesterton
- A people that values its privileges above its principles will soon lose both.
"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not." Thomas Jefferson
"A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy." Samuel Adams
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin
Friday, November 20, 2009
A Thanksgiving Lesson
Chip Wood is the geopolitical editor of He is the founder of Soundview Publications, in Atlanta, where he was also the host of an award-winning radio talk show for many years. He was the publisher of several bestselling books, including Crisis Investing by Doug Casey, None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham and The War on Gold by Anthony Sutton. Chip is well known on the investment conference circuit where he has served as Master of Ceremonies for FreedomFest, The New Orleans Investment Conference, Sovereign Society, and The Atlanta Investment Conference.
A Thanksgiving Lesson
November 20, 2009 by Chip Wood
Did you know that our Pilgrim forefathers tried communism when they first landed at Plymouth Rock?
How’s that for a dramatic beginning to a story? Years ago, when I used to give a lot of talks to high school classes, this was one of my favorites. It always got the students’ attention. And I have to admit, I also enjoyed seeing some liberal teachers get so upset with me they almost lost their lunches.
Here’s the story I told those students in those long-ago presentations.
The Pilgrims who arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1620 were incredibly brave and hardy souls. They were motivated by the noblest of virtues. They vowed, each and every one, to be as selfless as possible—to always put the needs of the group first. They agreed to own everything in common and to share everything equally.
And their naïve piety almost killed the entire colony.
We all know how the adventure begins. A group of devout Christians, seeking religious freedom for themselves and eager to "advance the Gospel of the Kingdom of Christ" in the New World, sets sail from Plymouth, England in 1620. An investment consortium known as the Merchant Adventurers of London paid the expenses for the trip, including chartering the Mayflower and its 40-man crew.
The deal was simple: The Pilgrims agreed to establish a colony in northern Virginia where they would plant crops, fish the waters and hunt in the forests. They would return a certain percentage of each year’s bounty to London until their debt had been repaid.
Things went wrong from the start. First, the syndicate changed the deal, drastically reducing the amount they would loan the Pilgrims. The brave adventurers were forced to sell many of their own possessions, and much of their provisions, to pay for the trip. As a result, they landed in the New World badly short of supplies.
Next, the small ship they had purchased in Holland, which was to accompany them to America so they could fish the waters off the coast, had to be abandoned in England.
Shortly after they set sail, the ship, badly misnamed the Speedwell, became "open and leakie as a sieve," as its captain reported. They returned to Dartmouth, where the boat was dry-docked for three weeks as repairs were made.
But to no avail. After leaving Dartmouth, the group sailed less than 300 miles when the captain decided the Speedwell "must bear up or sink at sea." This time the ships put in at Plymouth, England, where it was decided to go on without the Speedwell. On Sept. 16, 1620, the Mayflower set out alone to cross the Atlantic.
A month later, when they had reached the halfway point, fierce storms battered the ship and threatened the lives of passengers and crew. Many wanted to turn back for England. But if they abandoned the journey, they would lose everything they had invested. The Pilgrims decided to trust in God and sail on.
Despite the storms, the hazards, the crowding and the poor food, only one Pilgrim died during the voyage, a young servant. His death was balanced by the birth of a son to Stephen and Elizabeth Hopkins, who named their child Oceanus.
There were 102 passengers on board the Mayflower—50 men, 20 women and 32 children—along with a crew of 40. The captain set a course along the 42nd parallel, a bearing that would carry him to Cape Cod. From there he intended to swing south and follow the coast to northern Virginia.
A little over two months later, on Nov. 19, land was finally sighted and the captain turned the ship south, toward Virginia. However, they soon encountered such "dangerous shoals and roaring breakers" that they turned back to Massachusetts. It was then that the grumblings of dissent turned into a full-fledged roar. Many of the passengers insisted on landing in Massachusetts, where "none had power to command them."
The Pilgrim leaders decided to meet the explosive situation by asking each male on board, except for the crew, to sign a formal document that would lay "the first foundation of their government in this place." Thus the Mayflower Compact was born.
The Pilgrims were a diverse lot. Many of them were illiterate. Yet in creating the Mayflower Compact they showed an extraordinary political maturity. They agreed to establish a government by the consent of the governed, with just and equal laws for all. Each adult male, regardless of his station in life—gentleman, commoner or servant—would have an equal vote in deciding the affairs of the colony. Of the 65 men and boys on board, all but 24 signed the agreement. The only ones who did not were the children of those adults who did sign, or men who were too sick to do so.
The first decision made under the covenant was to abandon efforts to reach Virginia and instead to settle in New England. The first explorers landed at Plymouth on Dec. 21, 1620.
Weather delays kept the majority from seeing their new home for nearly two weeks. On Jan. 2, 1621, work began on the first building they would erect—a storehouse.
Because provisions were so scanty they decided that the land would be worked in common, produce would be owned in common, and goods would be rationed equally. Not unlike the society Karl Marx envisioned of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
Unfortunately, thanks to illness, injury and attitude, the system did not work. Pilferage from the storehouse became common. Suspicions of malingering were muttered. Over the course of that first, harsh winter, nearly half of the colonists perished. Four families were wiped out completely; only five of 18 wives survived. Of the 29 single men, hired hands and servants, only 10 were alive when spring finally came.
The colonists struggled desperately for two more years. When spring arrived in April 1623, virtually all of their provisions were gone. Unless that year’s harvest improved, they feared few would survive the next winter. The Pilgrim leaders decided on a bold course. The colony would abandon its communal approach and permit each person to work for his own benefit, not for the common good.
Here is how the governor of the colony, William Bradford, explained what happened then. This is taken from his marvelously readable memoir (if you can make adjustments for the Old English spellings), History of Plimoth Plantation:
The experience that was had in this commone course and condition, tried sundrie years, and that amongst godly and sober men, may well evince the vanitie of that conceite of Plato & other ancients, applauded by some of later times;—that ye taking away of properties, and bringing it in communitie into a commone wealth, would make them happy and flourishing; as if they were wiser than God.
For this communitie (so farr as it was) was found to breed much confusion & discontent, and retard much employment that would have been to their benefite and comforte. For yet young men that were most able and fitte for labor & services did repine that they should spend their time & strength to worke for other men’s wives and children with out any recompense.
Once they replaced communal efforts with individual responsibility the differences were dramatic—and life-saving. Men went into the fields earlier and stayed later. In many cases, their wives and even their children (some barely past the toddler stage) worked right alongside them. More acres were planted, more trees were felled, more houses were built, and more game was slaughtered because of one simple change: People were allowed to keep the fruits of their own labors.
The Pilgrims arrived deeply in debt to the London merchants who sponsored them. They worked for more than 20 years, as individuals and as a community, to pay off the crushing burden. In 1627, they borrowed money to pay off the Merchants Adventurers. By 1645, they had paid off the entire debt to the company which had advanced them the sums to pay off the Merchants.
When their debt had been paid in full (at the astronomical interest rate of 45 percent per year), the company that had advanced the sums wrote the Pilgrims:
Let it not be grievous to you, that you have been instruments to break the ice for others who come after with less difficulty. The honour shall be yours to the world’s end.
As we celebrate this coming Thanksgiving Day, some 380 years after the Pilgrims celebrated the first of this uniquely American holiday, let us remember the sacrifices they made… the devotion they showed… and the lessons they learned.
Until next time, keep some powder dry.
—Chip Wood
And I'm Karl
and very much approve of Chip's sentiments.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Have You Seen Any Weirder Creatures Ever?

Nope, I didn't think so. I've not seen such things as this in my entire life, other than when I've looked at them at other times. Then I saw them, but didn't really give them as much thought as I am now when seen in a group.
I'm Karl (more or less)
Oh, and if you actually counted and see only 15, I guess I'm the other one, okay then?
There's one serious note however, about the Left-winged Dingbat pictured above. The caption would more aptly be Left-winged Baby Killers Funding Specialist. Why? Well, her version of the Obamanation that is federalized health-care includes a provision requiring anyone enrolled in the federal health-care plan to pay a monthly premium that includes an amount earmarked for government funded abortion. Yes you read that right. Pelosi is evil through and through. Advocating the murder of the unborn is evil, period. Don't ever mistake 'nice' for 'good'. Oh, she's not nice either? Go figure.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Whose Heroes Are These people?
"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country"
That statement misses everything about a representational Republic that can be missed. It being quoted as a 'great quote' is foolishness and demonstrates a lack of understanding of what liberty and a free society really is. As for me? Keep the government out of my life completely. They shouldn't even own property, including roads. That's something Ezra Taft Benson and my father discussed. They agreed. KLP
--------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------
Here are some quotes by some infamous people from the past. Those who look to them for their philosophies (Obama and his kind) are shown for who they are, anti-liberty Marxists
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." Lenin
"While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom, there will be no state." Lenin
"We shall support whatever the enemy opposes and oppose whatever the enemy supports." Mao Tse-Tung
"What luck for rulers that men do not think." Adolf Hitler
"The great masses of people....will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one." Adolph Hitler
"The last capitalist we hang shall be the one who sold us the rope." Karl Marx
"Don't worry if they are Democrats or Republicans. Give them service and they'll become Democrats." Richard J. Daley
"It is the absolute right of the state to supervise the formation of public opinion." Joseph Goebbels
"Think of the press as a great keyboard upon which the government can play." Joseph Goebbels
"All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state." Benito Mussolini
"It is the state which educates its citizens in civic virtue, gives them a consciousness of their mission and welds them into unity." Benito Mussolini
"I want you to know that everything I did, I did for my country." Pol Pot
And as far as living tyrants go, Fidel Castro summed up their opinions quite well in the following short sentence:
"How can we help President Obama?"
And I don't want anyone to help Obama, except to help him find the door.
I'm Karl
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
One Of The Formost Experts Speaks
Mr. President,
You have recently held an undersea Cabinet meeting to raise awareness of the idea that global sea level is rising and hence threatens to drown the Maldives. This proposition is not founded in observational facts and true scientific judgements, Accordingly it is incorrect.
Therefore, I am most surprised at your action and must protest to its intended message. In 2001, when our research group found overwhelming evidence that sea level was by no means in a rising mode in the Maldives, but had remained quite stable for the last 30 years, I thought it would not be respectful to the fine people of the Maldives if I were to return home and present our results in international fora. Therefore, I announced this happy news during an interview for your local TV station. However, your predecessor as president censored and stopped the broadcast.
When you became president, Iwas hoping both for democracy and for dialogue. However, I have written to you twice without reply. Your people ought not to have to suffer a constant claim that there is no future for them on their own islands. This terrible message is deeply inappropriate, since it is founded not upon reality but upon an imported concept, which lacks scientific justification and is thus untenable. There is simply no rational basis for it.
Let me summarize a few facts (see Fig. 1, and evidence presented in Mörner, 2007):
(1) In the last 2000 years, sea level has oscillated with 5 peaks reaching 0.6 to 1.2 m above the present sea level.
(2) From 1790 to 1970 sea level was about 20 cm higher than today.
(3) In the 1970s, sea level fell by about 20 cm to its present level.
(4) Sea level has remained stable for the last 30 years, implying that there are no traces of any alarming on-going sea level rise.
(5) Therefore, we are able to free the Maldives (and the rest of low-lying coasts and island around the globe) from the condemnation of becoming flooded in the near future.
When I was president for the INQUA commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution (1999-2003), we spent much effort on the question of present-to-future sea level changes. After intensive field studies, deliberation within the commission and discussions at five international meeting, we agreed on a “best estimate” for possible sea level changes by the year 2100. Our figure was +10 cm ±10 cm. This figure was later revised at +5 cm ±15 cm (as given in Fig. 1). Such changes would imply small to negligible effects.
From our sea level curve in Fig. 1, we can directly see that such a small rise would pose no threat for the Maldives. Rather, it would be a natural return to the conditions existing from 1790 to 1970; i.e. to the position before the sea level fall in the 1970s.
The same non-rising sea level story is recorded for all other areas claimed to be under a flooding already in progress; viz. Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Venice (Mörner, 2007b). Besides, the proposed global trend derived from satellite altimetry have been tampered by a “personal correction” in order to create a rising trend (Mörner, 2008), actually not measured.. Thermal expansion of the water column may affect the ocean level by some centimetres to a decimetre. At the shore, however, the effect is zero (Mörner, 2000, 2005a, 2009a).

So, Mr. President, when you ignore to face available observational facts, refuses a normal democratic dialogue, and continue to menace your people with the imaginary threat of a disastrous flooding already in progress, I think you are doing a serious mistake.
Let us be constructive. Let us discuss available observational facts. Let us continue and extend our sea level project to new sites in the huge Maldivian atoll archipelago.
And let us, for Heaven’s sake, lift the terrible psychological burden that you and your predecessor have placed upon the shoulders of all people in the Maldives, who are now living with the imagined threat that flooding will soon drive them from their homes, a wholly false notion that is nothing but an armchair fiction artificially constructed by mere computer modelling constantly proven wrong by meticulous real-world observations.
Your cabinet meeting under the water is nothing but a misdirected gimmick or PR stunt. Al Gore is a master in such cheep techniques. But such misconduct is dishonest, unproductive and certainly most un-scientific.
Stockholm, Sweden, October 20, 2009
Nils-Axel Mörner
Head of Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics at Stockholm University, Sweden (1991-2005)
President of the INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution (1999-2003)
Leader of the Maldives Sea Level Project (2000 on)
Chairman of the INTAS project on Geomagnetism and Climate (1997-2003)
Awarded the Golden Condrite of Merit from Algarve University (2008) “for his irreverence and contribution to our understanding of sea level change”
Our international research group have had the pleasure to undertake very sophisticated studies in the Maldives. Personally, I have been there six times in this mission, including three one month-long research expeditions. We have become much in love with the remarkable nature and the wonderful local people of the Maldives. My critics should be seen as a sign of this respect in combination with a non-negotiable conviction that we must base our claims and actions on observational facts.
Primary references
Mörner, N.-A., 2000. Sea level changes and coastal dynamics in the Indian Ocean. Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Spring 2000 Ed, p. 17-20, IGC Publ. Ltd.
Mörner, N.-A., Tooley, M. and Possnert, G., 2004. New perspectives for the future of the Maldives. Global Planetary Change, 40, 177-182.
Mörner, N.-A., 2007. Sea level changes and tsunamis, environmental stress and migration overseas. The case of the Maldives and Sri Lanka. Internationales Asienforum, 38, 353-374.
Mörner, N.-A., Laborel, J. and Dawson, S., 2008. Submarine ”sandstorms” and tsunami events in the Indian Ocean. J. Coastal Res., 24, 1608-1611.
Additional references
Mörner, N.-A., 2004a. Changing sea levels. In: Encyclopedia of Coastal Sciences (M. Schwartz, Ed.), p. 229-232.
Mörner, N.-A., 2004b. Estimating future sea level changes. Global Planetary Change, 40, 49-54.
Mörner, N.-A., 2004c. The Maldives Project: a future free from see level flooding. Contemporary South Asia, 13, 149-155.
Mörner, N.-A., 2004d. Sea level change: Are low-lying islands and coastal areas under threat? IN: The Impacts of climate change: An appraisal for the future, p. 29-35. International Policy Press.
Mörner, N.-A., 2005a. Sea level changes and crustal movements with special reference to the Eastern Mediterranean. Z. Geomorphologie, Supp. Vol. 137, 91-102.
Mörner, N.-A., 2005b. Facts and fiction about sea level changes. House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee, 6 pp.
Mörner, N.-A., 2007b. The Greatest Lie Ever Told. Jofo Grafiska Print, 20 pp, 2007 & 2009.
Mörner, N.-A., 2008a. Comments on comments. Global Planetary Change, 62, 219-220.
Mörner, N.-A., 2008b. No on-going global flooding with the Sun in the centre. Estudos do Quaternario, 5, APEQ, 3-9, Porto.
Mörner, N.-A. 2009a. Some problems in the reconstruction of mean sea level and its changes with time. In press.
Mörner, N.-A., 2009. Setting the frames of expected future sea level changes. Submitted.
Mörner, N.-A., 2009. The Maldives as a measure of sea level and sea level ethics. Submitted.
See also:
Mortensen, L., 2004. Doomsday Called Off. TV-documentary, Danish TV, Copenhagen.
Murphy, G., 2007. Claim that sea level is rising is a total fraud. EIR (Executive Intelligence Review), vol. 34, no. 25, June 22, p. 33-37.
Eklund, L., 2009. SASNET visit to the Maldives 6-8 February 2009. Report by Lars Eklund.
Booker, C., 2009 Rise of sea level is "the greatest lie evrey told". The Sunday Telegraph, March 29
Monday, October 12, 2009
Did A Prophet Pen This Cartoon?
Read the quoted plan of action in the lower left corner (click the image to enlarge it), then consider the adage, "Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it."
I'm Karl...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Impact of the Government Health Care Plan
MillerWade Group - "Mastering Benefits"
Many of our clients have relied on our agency for understanding of government employment regulations. I have tried to keep you all abreast of the laws, how they will need to be safely implemented and their effect on your business. There are many inaccurate statements being made about the proposed health care bill, so I thought I would put down my concerns and then back them up with the actual bill for you to compare.
I send this to you today, to try and proactively educate you on the proposed health care reform bill, and provide you a means to easily communicate your concerns to your Senator and Representative. This process only takes 5 minutes. My hope is that this "E-mail" is forwarded to all the companies in the U.S. in an effort to educate people on what is perceived as a massive government take over or our health care system. Most people agree that our health care system has some problems, and these can be fixed without complete government take over. There are other proposed reforms that the insurance industry has already agreed to implement: No pre-existing condition clause, portability of coverage, etc. We may also consider tort reform which would significantly reduce cost of care by eliminating the need for so many unnecessary tests.
What will not help our country, our economy, or your business is the below sections of this bill or the 53 NEW GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS, OFFICES & BUREAUCRACIES created for the proposed government health care Program.
The following are excerpts from the proposed bill:
- Page 22 of the HC Bill: Mandates that the Govt will audit books of all employers that self insure!!
- Page 50 Section 152 in HC bill: HC will be provided to ALL non US citizens, illegal or otherwise
- Page 58 HC Bill: Govt will have real-time access to individuals finances & a National ID Healthcard will be issued!
- Page 59 HC Bill lines 21-24: Govt will have direct access to your banks accounts for elective funds transfer.
- Page 145 Line 15-17: An Employer MUST auto enroll employees into public option plan.
- Page 126 Lines 22-25: Employers MUST pay for HC for part time employees AND their families.
- Page 149 Lines 16-24: ANY Employer with payroll 401k & above who does not provide public option pays 8% tax on all payroll.
- Page 150 Lines 9-13: Business's with payroll between 251k & 401k that don't provide public option pays 2-6% tax on all payroll.
- Page 167 Lines 18-23: ANY individual who doesn't have acceptable HC according to Govt will be taxed 2.5% of income.
- Page 170 Lines 1-3 HC Bill: Any NONRESIDENT Alien is exempt from individual taxes.
- Page 195 HC Bill: Officers & employees of HC Admin (GOVT) will have access to ALL Americans finances /personal records.
- Page 203 Line 14-15 HC: "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax"
Regardless of your political persuasion, I believe now is the time to protect industry.
It is easy to contact your Senator or Representative and write a quick e-mail. It only takes 5 minutes. Click on the below links to locate your Senator or Representative, click on their contact information (which will take you to their web site), and find their "e-mail me" or "contact me" section. It may appear that this proposed legislation is in trouble, but the President will be speaking to the House and Senate to try to push through government run health care. I would encourage each of you to educate yourselves on this legislation (see below link) and its impact on American business.
House of Representatives --
Senate --
White House -
Click below for the most recent version of the House Tri-Committee bill - this takes a minute to download due to its size.
Massive costs -- Governments own estimates,
53 NEW GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS, OFFICES & BUREAUCRACIES created for the proposed government health care Program:
- Health Benefits Advisory Committee (Section 123, p. 30)
- Health Choices Administration (Section 141, p. 41)
- Qualified Health Benefits Plan Ombudsman (Section 144, p. 47)
- Program of administrative simplification (Section 163, p. 57)
- Retiree Reserve Trust Fund (Section 164(d), p. 70)
- Health Insurance Exchange (Section 201, p. 72)
- Mechanism for insurance risk pooling to be established by Health Choices Administration Commissioner (Section 206(b), p. 106)
- Special Inspector General for the Health Insurance Exchange (Section 206(c), p. 107)
- Health Insurance Exchange Trust Fund (Section 207, p. 109)
- State-based Health Insurance Exchanges (Section 208, p. 111)
- "Public Health Insurance Option" (Section 221, p. 116)
- Ombudsman for "Public Health Insurance Option" (Section 221(d), p. 117)
- Account for receipts and disbursements for "Public Health Insurance Option" (Section 222(b), p. 119)
- Telehealth Advisory Committee (Section 1191, p. 380)
- Demonstration program providing reimbursement for "culturally and linguistically appropriate services" (Section 1222, p. 405)
- Demonstration program for shared decision making using patient decision aids (Section 1236, p. 438)
- Accountable Care Organization pilot program (Section 1301, p. 443)
- Independent patient-centered medical home pilot program under Medicare (Section 1302, p. 462)
- Community-based medical home pilot program under Medicare (Section 1302(d), p. 468)
- Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research (Section 1401(a), p. 502)
- Comparative Effectiveness Research Commission (Section 1401(a), p. 505)
- Patient ombudsman for comparative effectiveness research (Section 1401(a), p. 519)
- Quality assurance and performance improvement program for skilled nursing facilities (Section 1412(b)(1), p. 546)
- Quality assurance and performance improvement program for nursing facilities (Section 1412 (b)(2), p. 548)
- Special focus facility program for skilled nursing facilities (Section 1413(a)(3), p. 559)
- Special focus facility program for nursing facilities (Section 1413(b)(3), p. 565)
- National independent monitor pilot program for skilled nursing facilities and nursing facilities (Section 1422, p. 607)
- Demonstration program for approved teaching health centers with respect to Medicare GME (Section 1502(d), p. 674)
- Pilot program to develop anti-fraud compliance systems for Medicare providers (Section 1635, p. 716)
- Medical home pilot program under Medicaid (Section 1722, p. 780)
- Comparative Effectiveness Research Trust Fund (Section 1802, p. 824)
- "Identifiable office or program" within CMS to "provide for improved coordination between Medicare and Medicaid in the case of dual eligibles" (Section 1905, p. 852)
- Public Health Investment Fund (Section 2002, p. 859)
- Scholarships for service in health professional needs areas (Section 2211, p. 870)
- Loan repayment program for service in health professional needs areas (Section 2211, p. 873)
- Program for training medical residents in community-based settings (Section 2214, p. 882)
- Grant program for training in dentistry programs (Section 2215, p. 887)
- Public Health Workforce Corps (Section 2231, p. 898)
- Public health workforce scholarship program (Section 2231, p. 900)
- Public health workforce loan forgiveness program (Section 2231, p. 904)
- Grant program for innovations in interdisciplinary care (Section 2252, p. 917)
- Advisory Committee on Health Workforce Evaluation and Assessment (Section 2261, p. 920)
- Prevention and Wellness Trust (Section 2301, p. 932)
- Clinical Prevention Stakeholders Board (Section 2301, p. 941)
- Community Prevention Stakeholders Board (Section 2301, p. 947)
- Grant program for community prevention and wellness research (Section 2301, p. 950)
- Grant program for community prevention and wellness services (Section 2301, p. 951)
- Grant program for public health infrastructure (Section 2301, p. 955)
- Center for Quality Improvement (Section 2401, p. 965)
- Assistant Secretary for Health Information (Section 2402, p. 972)
- Grant program to support the operation of school-based health clinics (Section 2511, p. 993)
- National Medical Device Registry (Section 2521, p. 1001)
- Grants for labor-management programs for nursing training (Section 2531, p. 1008
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Scott W. Miller, RHU
*MillerWade Group - "Mastering Benefits"*
1031 W. Center St., #302
Orem, UT 84057
Office: 801.377.1990
FAX: 801.812.8219
Toll Free Office: 800.508.1144
Toll Free FAX: 888.205.0792
Thanks Mr. Miller.
and . . .
I'm Karl
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Our Awful Situation: Secret Combinations
I firmly believe every president since, and including Woodrow Wilson, are part of this 'secret combination' and have done things while in office, to destroy the liberty of this nation.
Anyone who doesn't believe in Secret Combinations (conspiracies to plunder and get gain) are liars, fools or both.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
I'm Karl
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have
for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.
--Benjamin Franklin
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
200 Days, 200 Claims
It is appropriate on the 200th day of the stimulus to look back at exactly what the stimulus has accomplished. The answer is very little. What it has done, however, is give the American people a $787 billion bill they cannot afford. In this report, you will find 200 claims that President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, senior Administration officials and Congressional Democrats have made about the stimulus. None of these claims match reality. When the stimulus passed, President Obama and Congressional Democrats promised the stimulus would be a targeted, timely and transparent effort to create jobs immediately. This compilation of 200 claims shows that promise has not been kept. Job losses continue, stimulus spending has been slow, and as even the Vice President has said, ―we know some of this money is going to be wasted. The Obama Administration and Pelosi-Reid Congressional Democrats have boldly declared that the stimulus is working and they have ―rescued the economy, but facts are stubborn things. Unemployment is still high and the deficit is out of control. These are not reasons to declare victory. There was a better solution to our economic problems. The Republican plan focused on truly stimulating the economy by lowering tax rates for individuals and providing a tax deduction for small businesses, resulting in job creation and allowing Americans to keep more of their hard earned money. Costing roughly half the amount of the Democrats‘ stimulus bill, the Republican alternative would not have burdened America‘s future generations with the unsustainable debt of liberal spending. In order to ensure a strong bipartisan recovery act, Obama claimed to welcome ideas from the other side of the aisle. Unfortunately, the bill passed by Congress and signed by the President was a far cry from the ―post-partisan leadership Obama had promised. In the end, the stimulus is another failed experiment by the President that Americans cannot afford. Instead of creating jobs, millions are unemployed and billions have been added to our deficit. 200 days of this stimulus are 200 days too long.
Michael Steele Chairman, Republican National Committee
(Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street SE – Washington, DC 20003 – 202-863-8500 – Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.)
On February 17, 2009, President Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, often referred to as the ―stimulus. As members of Congress debated the bill and in the time following its inception, there were countless promises made to the American people regarding exactly what the bill would deliver. The mantra of ―jobs, jobs, jobs was used repeatedly to sell the stimulus. While it‘s impossible to calculate the number of jobs ―created or saved by the stimulus, we do know that since the stimulus was passed over 2.2 million jobs have been lost nationwide. 200 days later, the Research Department of the Republican National Committee (RNC) has identified and reviewed 200 of the claims made by the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats who supported this massive economic experiment. The RNC‘s research focuses on promises made to the American people on job creation, waste, prevention, targeted spending, transparency, and how the stimulus would bring about an economic recovery. The resulting report, ―200 Days, 200 Claims, holds Democrats accountable for their claims that the stimulus was an absolute necessity to ―jolt the economy. They used this and other claims to quickly force through one of the largest spending bills in American history. Now Americans will see how valid those claims are 200 days later. Among the misleading claims debunked in this report are these oft-repeated and echoed talking points: The stimulus would create 3.5 million jobs and starting do so immediately; Instead, over 2.2 million Americans have lost their jobs since the stimulus bill was signed into law. The money would be spent carefully, effectively, and transparently; Instead, we have seen the money squandered on such projects as the $18 million overhaul of the Administration‘s stimuluspromoting website and the GAO has said there is no effective system in place to monitor the spending. And, lastly, the stimulus is working as promised and according to plan; Instead, the unemployment rate has far exceeded even the Administration‘s projection if we did not pass their stimulus bill. Not surprisingly, the American people are not buying these and other Democrat claims. No wonder a recent USA Today/Gallup poll found that nearly 6 in 10 Americans believe the stimulus is having no impact on the economy and won‘t help in the years to come. As the reality behind these 200 claims demonstrate, Americans are too smart to be misled.
200 Days 200 Claims
CLAIM #1: Obama Said Stimulus Would Create Or Save 3.5 Million Jobs Over Two Years. ―[W]hat makes this recovery plan so important is not just that it will create or save 3.5 million jobs over the next two years ... (President Barack Obama, Remarks At The Signing Of The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act, Denver, CO, 2/17/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Bill Was Signed In February, America Has Lost More Than 2.2 Million Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Website,, Accessed 8/7/09)
CLAIM #2: After 100 Days Of The Stimulus Obama Said 150,000 Jobs Have Been “Saved Or Created.” “That‘s the kind of foundation we‘re trying to build all across America,‘ Obama said. ‗One hundred days ago, in the midst of the worst economic crisis in half a century, we passed the most sweeping economic recovery act in history — a plan designed to save jobs, create new ones and put money in people‘s pockets. It‘s a plan designed to not only revive the economy in the short term, but rebuild the economy in the long term.‘ The president said his recovery plan has ‗saved or created nearly 150,000 jobs — jobs building solar panels and wind turbines; making homes and buildings more energy-efficient. (Sam Youngman, ―Obama: First 100 Days Of Stimulus Show Success, The Hill, 5/27/09)
REALITY: Bureau Of Labor Statistics Commissioner Keith Hall: “Very Difficult” To “Substantiate” Obama Administration Claim That 150,000 Jobs Were Created By Stimulus. Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX): ―The administration, including the vice president, has claimed that stimulus policies have added 150,000 new jobs to the level of employment. We see this cited almost daily by the administration. Can you substantiate that claim? Bureau Of Labor Statistics Commissioner Keith Hall: ―No. That would be a very difficult thing for anybody to substantiate. Brady: ―And the chairman -- who's a highly respected chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, Chairman Romer -- also cited that 150,000 job-creation figure in a recent testimony before this committee. You're saying you can't verify that the administration's policies have created those additional 150,000 jobs. Hall: ―No. We're busy just counting jobs. (U.S. House Of Representatives, Joint Economic Committee, Hearing, 6/5/09)
CLAIM #3: Obama Said Over 600,000 Jobs Would Be Created In Second Hundred Days Of Stimulus. ―As a result of this accelerated pace of activity, over 600,000 jobs are expected to be created or saved by the Recovery Act in the second 100 days ... (The White House, ―President Obama And Vice President Biden Announce Roadmap To Recovery, Press Release, 6/08/09)
REALITY: During Second Hundred Days, Over 700,000 Jobs Have Been Lost. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 8/19/09)
CLAIM #4: Obama Administration Predicted That Without Stimulus, Unemployment Would Rise Over 8 Percent This Year. ―In January, the incoming administration predicted in a white paper study that without a huge stimulus package, unemployment would reach just over 8%, and would be contained at under 8% with a stimulus package. (Jake Tapper, ―President Obama Predicts Unemployment Will Hit 10% This Year, ABC News’ ―Political Punch Blog, 6/16/09)
REALITY: Obama Now Acknowledges Unemployment Will Reach 10 Percent This Year, Even With Stimulus In Place. AL HUNT OF BLOOMBERG: ―Do you think that unemployment will reach 10%? This year? PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: ―Yes. HUNT: ―This year? OBAMA: ―Yes. (Bloomberg News, 6/16/09)
CLAIM #5: Obama Pledged Stimulus Would Help Elkhart, Indiana Recover From Recession. ―I promised you back then that, if elected, I‘d do everything I could to help this community recover, and that's why I came back today, because I intend to keep my promise … That‘s why I put forth a recovery and reinvestment plan that is now before Congress. (President Barack Obama, Remarks By The President At Town Hall, Elkhart, Indiana, 2/9/09)
REALITY: Unemployment Has More Than Doubled In Elkhart Since Last Year. In June 2009 unemployment in Elkhart hit 16.8%, up from 6.8% in June 2008. (Bureau of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/3/09)
CLAIM #6: In March, Obama Claimed Stimulus Saved Columbus Police Jobs. ―So for those who still doubt the wisdom of our recovery plan ... I ask them to come to Ohio and meet the 25 men and women who will soon be protecting the streets of Columbus because we passed this plan. (President Barack Obama, Remarks At Graduation Of The Columbus Police Division‘s 114th Class, Columbus, OH, 3/6/09)
REALITY: But Layoffs Of Those Police Officers Still On Table. ―The booklet also mentions the ‗police academy graduates in Ohio‘ whose graduation ceremony President Obama attended in March, heralding how the stimulus enabled the city of Columbus to hire 25 cadets. But this week Police Chief Walter Distelzweig told the Columbus Dispatch that unless residents approve a tax increase, those 25 cadets face the real possibility of layoffs. (Jake Tapper, ―Stimulus Overhype?, ABC News‘ ―Political Punch Blog, 5/28/09)
CLAIM #7: Obama Promised Stimulus Money Would Go Out The Door Immediately. ―And that is why I hope to sign an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan into law in the next few weeks. Most of the money we‘re investing as part of this plan will get out the door immediately and go directly to job-creation, generating or saving three to four million new jobs. (President Barack Obama, ―Remarks of President Barack Obama On The Economy, Washington, DC, 1/28/09)
REALITY: In Five Months Following Signing Of Stimulus Bill, Just 10 Percent Of Money Was Spent. ―Nearly five months after President Obama signed the $787 billion stimulus bill, a stillworsening economy has many wondering if stimulus is a bunch of baloney. … With August quickly approaching, roughly $75 billion, or 10% of stimulus funds, have been paid out, and the unemployment rate has already risen to 9.5%. (David Goldman, ―Stimulus: Progress Or Broken Promise? CNN, 7/7/09)
CLAIM #8: Obama Said Stimulus Has Moved “Faster Than Ever, More Responsibly Than Ever.” Obama: ―We‘ve done more than ever, faster than ever, more responsibly than ever, to get the gears of the economy moving again. (Peter Nicholas, ―Obama Confronts Doubts On Stimulus, Vows Faster Spending, Los Angeles Times, 6/2/09)
REALITY: Even Shovel-Ready Projects Haven’t Been Allowed To Start. ―As of July 10, more than 3,600 of the 5,600 road projects approved by Washington -- including six of the 10 largest approved projects -- had not been given the green light to start construction ... In Florida, not a single highway project had been given the go-ahead to start construction by July 10 -- even though the state, with an unemployment rate of 10.6%, had 272 projects valued at more than $1 billion approved by the federal government. (Don Lee, ―Highway Spending Isn‘t The Stimulus It Was Envisioned To Be, The Los Angeles Times, 7/20/09)
CLAIM #9: Obama Said Stimulus Free Of Pork. ―And less than one month after taking office, we enacted the most sweeping recovery package in history, and we did so without any of the earmarks, pork-barrel projects that are usually accompanying these big -- these big bills. (Transcript: President Obama Delivers Remarks On Economic Recovery At Town Hall Meeting, The Washington Post, 7/29/09)
REALITY: Pelosi’s Mouse Receives Stimulus Funds. ―The tiny mouse that became a hotly disputed symbol of wasteful spending in the congressional debate over the $787 billion economic stimulus bill has returned to pester House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The Obama administration quietly announced last week that as much as $16.1 million from the stimulus program is going to save the San Francisco Bay area habitat of, among other things, the endangered salt marsh harvest mouse. (S.A. Miller, ―GOP Slams Stimulus Mouse Money, The Washington Times, 7/9/09)
CLAIM #10: Obama Promised No Stimulus Funds Would Go To Wasteful Projects. ―‗If a federal agency proposes a project that will waste that money, I will not hesitate to call them out on it and put a stop to it,‘ the president said Feb. 20 when he signed the bill into law. ‗And I want everybody here to be on notice that if a local government does the same, I will call them out on it and use the full power of my office and our administration to stop it.‘ (Stephen Dinan, ―Obama Finds No Stimulus Waste, The Washington Times, 6/22/09)
REALITY: Stimulus Funds Spent On Welfare For Deceased, Turtle Crossings. ―A report due to be released today by a Republican senator contends the Obama administration‘s stimulus program is fraught with waste and incompetence -- evidenced by a turtle crossing in northern Florida that will cost more than $3 million and a snafu in which thousands of Social Security checks went out to people who had died ... ‗One town in North Carolina is using stimulus funds to hire an administrator whose job will be to procure more stimulus funds, according to the report.‘ (Peter Nicholas, ―Stimulus Program Fraught With Waste Report Says, The Los Angeles Times, 6/15/09)
CLAIM #11: Obama Pledged To End No-Bid Contracts. ―President Barack Obama promised last month to save money through competition. ‗By ending unnecessary no-bid contracts and reforming the way government contracts are awarded, we can save the American people up to $40 billion every year,‘ Obama said, as he announced new procedures to increase competition. (Brett J. Blackledge, ―Stimulus Watch: No-Bid Contracts Mean Higher Costs, The Associated Press, 7/17/09)
REALITY: Stimulus Funds Awarded Through No-Bid Contracts. ―The Pentagon saves more than three times as much money when companies compete, the AP analysis showed. Yet more than $242 million in federal contracts -- representing more than one-fourth of the military‘s stimulus contract spending so far -- has been awarded under the recovery program through no-bid contracts for repairs and maintenance. (Brett J. Blackledge, ―Stimulus Watch: No-Bid Contracts Mean Higher Costs, The Associated Press, 7/17/09)
CLAIM #12: President Obama: Recovery Act “Will Create Good Jobs That Pay Well And Can't Be Shipped Overseas.” (The White House, ―Remarks By The President And The Vice President On The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act, 4/13/09)
REALITY: Recently Distributed Stimulus Funds Going To Foreign Corporations Creating Jobs Overseas. ―Nearly half of the $2.4 billion in federal grant money awarded Wednesday to stimulate the U.S. economy and boost the production of hybrid and electric vehicles went to six companies with ties to places as far away as Russia, China, South Korea and France. ... But because so few American companies have the necessary technology, much of the money will initially go toward manufacturing electric vehicle batteries overseas. (Jerry Seper, ―Obama Sends Stimulus Aid To Foreign Firms, The Washington Times, 8/6/09)
CLAIM #13: Obama Said Primary Prerequisite For Project To Receive Stimulus Funds Would Be Ability To Create Jobs Immediately. ―‗Whenever a project comes up for review, we‘re going to ask a simple question,‘ Mr. Obama said. ‗Does it advance the core mission of the Recovery Act? Does it jumpstart job creation?‘ (Jeff Zeleny, ―Obama Outlines Plan To Help Prevent Waste In Economic Stimulus Package, The New York Times, 3/20/09)
REALITY: Construction Industry Disappointed With Low Amount Of Stimulus Funds For Roads, Leading To Very Few Jobs Being Created. ―Much of the $787 billion in a federal program to spur the economy was supposed to pour like mixed concrete onto American roads, bridges, and construction sites. So far, though, the amount of money funneling into US construction zones is less than expected. ... Judging by a survey within the trade association, Sandherr says, relatively few new jobs are being created by the stimulus. (Mark Trumbull, ―Contractors Say Stimulus Has Been Slow to Kick In, The Christian Science Monitor, 7/30/09)
CLAIM #14: Obama Insisted Stimulus Funding Decisions Would Be Merit-Based. ―‗Decisions about how recovery money will be spent will be based on the merits,‘ Mr. Obama said. (Jeff Zeleny, ―Obama Outlines Plan To Help Prevent Waste In Economic Stimulus Package, The New York Times, 3/20/09)
REALITY: But Stimulus Money Skipping “Unsafe Or Decaying Bridges” For “Spans That Are Already In Good Shape.” ―Tens of thousands of unsafe or decaying bridges carrying 100 million drivers a day must wait for repairs because states are spending stimulus money on spans that are already in good shape or on easier projects like repaving roads ... In all, 1,286 deficient or obsolete bridges are expected to share $2.2 billion in stimulus money for repairs, the AP analysis shows. But that‘s less than 1 percent of the more than 150,000 bridges nationwide that engineers have labeled deficient or obsolete. Of those, more than 39,000 are considered the worst, rated poor in at least one structural component and eligible to be replaced with federal money.(Brett J. Blackledge and Matt Apuzzo, ―Stimulus Cash Not Fixing Dangerous Bridges, The Associated Press, 7/31/09)
CLAIM #15: Obama Promised Hardest Hit Areas Of Nation Would Be Helped By Stimulus. ―[The stimulus] includes help for those hardest hit by our economic crisis … As a whole, this plan will help poor and working Americans pull themselves into the middle class in a way we haven‘t seen in nearly 50 years. (President Barack Obama, Remarks At The Signing Of The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act, Denver, CO, 2/17/09)
REALITY: States With Low Unemployment Receiving More Stimulus Funds Per Capita Than States With High Unemployment. ―Nevada, where unemployment stood at about 10% when the plan was passed, is getting $541 for each resident from the stimulus money allocated so far, a Wall Street Journal analysis found. Wyoming, where the 3.9% jobless rate was the lowest in the country in February, is getting $1,074 per person. (Louise Radnofsky, ―Some Hard-Hit States Get Less Stimulus, The Wall Street Journal, 7/1/09)
CLAIM #16: Obama Promised Stimulus Would Have “Responsibility and Accountability.” ―‗What I will need from [U.S. Mayors] is unprecedented responsibility and accountability on all of our parts,‘ Obama said. ‗The American people are watching.‘ (Michael D. Shear, ―Obama To Watch Cities‘ Stimulus Spending, The Washington Post, 2/21/09)
REALITY: GAO Says Transparency, Oversight Lacking When Keeping Track of Stimulus’ Effectiveness. ―The Government Accountability Office said in a report that increased transparency and better oversight is needed to track stimulus money being sent to state and local governments. The report noted that keeping track of stimulus money and effectiveness wasn‘t necessarily easy under the current methods. ‗Questions remained about how to count jobs and measure performance under Recovery Act-funded programs,‘ the report said. (Rich Edson and Joanna Ossinger, ―GAO: More Transparency Needed To Track Stimulus Money, Fox Business, 7/7/09)
CLAIM #17: Obama Claimed Stimulus “Rescued Our Economy From Catastrophe.” ―‗While we‘ve rescued our economy from catastrophe, we‘ve also begun to build a new foundation for growth,‘ Obama told reporters. ‗That‘s why we passed an unprecedented Recovery Act less than a month after I took office.‘ (―Obama Cautious Despite Unemployment Cheer, Reuters, 8/7/09)
REALITY: Local Governments Are Years Away From Feeling Effects Of Any Economic Recovery. ―Amy Liu, deputy director of Brookings‘ metropolitan policy program, said the ‗recovery is highly uneven around the country,‘ and noted that local governments, dependent on sales and property tax revenue, can be as much as two years behind the national economy in feeling the effect of a recovery. (Joseph J. Schatz, ―Analysts Give Stimulus Mixed Review, Congressional Quarterly, 8/13/09)
CLAIM #18: Obama Claimed Stimulus Already Producing Results In Nevada. ―‗One hundred days later, we are already seeing results,‘ President Barack Obama said during a visit to Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. (―Obama Upbeat, But Stimulus Cash Slow, McClatchy, 8/19/09)
REALITY: Nevada’s Stimulus Overseer Says Funds Going To State “Very Deficient.” ―In Nevada, where President Barack Obama made a major speech touting the achievements of the stimulus plan, the state‘s share of stimulus money is ‗very deficient,‘ said Nevada‘s stimulus czar Mendy Elliott. ‗We are certainly grateful for the help that we received but the fact of the matter is ... there should have been some thoughtfulness.‘ Unemployment in the state stood at 11.3% last month. (Louise Radnofsky, ―Some Hard-Hit States Get Less Stimulus, The Wall Street Journal, 7/1/09)
CLAIM #19: According To Obama, Latest Economic Indicators Show Positive Results From Stimulus. ―The GDP also revealed that in the last few months the economy has done measurably better than we had thought, he said. ―Better than expected. And as many economists will tell you that part of the progress is directly attributable to the Recovery Act. (Jake Tapper, ―President Obama: GDP Shows Economy Headed in Right Direction, ABC News’ ―Political Punch Blog, 7/31/09)
REALITY: Not Enough Stimulus Spending To Claim Any Credit For Positive Economic Indicators. ―For the most part, too few projects have been started and data are too scattered to indicate how many jobs the package has added. Only $73 billion of the act‘s $499 billion in direct spending measures had been dispensed by the end of July. (Amanda Ruggeri, ―Mixed, Incomplete Economic Results So Far On Obama‘s Stimulus, U.S. News and World Report, 8/7/09)
CLAIM #20: Biden Said Stimulus Created Jobs That Would Not Have Been Created Otherwise. ―‗The bottom line is that jobs are being created that would not have been there before,‘ Biden said. (Despite Job Losses, Stimulus Works, Biden Says, The Associated Press, 6/15/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Signed In February, America Has Lost More Than 2.2 Million Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Website,, Accessed 8/7/09)
CLAIM #21: Biden Claimed Stimulus Would Create Tens Of Thousands Of Jobs Through Weatherization Programs. ―Also yesterday, Biden and Energy Secretary Steven Chu detailed a chunk of the stimulus cash - $8 billion for weatherization and energy efficiency programs that they say will put 87,000 Americans to work and save families hundreds of dollars a year on their energy bills. The first installment of the funding - about $780 million - is to be released in the next few days, they said. (Obama to States: Use Stimulus Cash Well; Vows To Penalize Wasteful, The Boston Globe, 3/13/09)
REALITY: Weatherization Programs “Will Do Little To Create Long-Term Employment.” ―The massive government stimulus program now being organized by the Obama administration has specifically designated about $5 billion for the various state weatherization programs. But critics say the program will do little to create long-term employment and is vulnerable to fraud. (Drew Griffin and Scott Bronstein, ―Stimulus Steers Billions To ‗Weatherizing‘ Homes,, 4/14/09)
CLAIM #22: Biden Claims That Model Used To Calculate Their Job Claims Is Widely Accepted. BIDEN: ―[T]here's an econometric model that economists have been using for decades to correlate the economic circumstances of the nation with the creation of jobs. It is a model no one has questioned, it's a model the council of economic advisors used to come up with that 150,000 jobs. But in fact -- and by the way, I think we're going to create another 600,000 jobs in the next hundred days ... (NBC's ―Meet the Press, 6/14/09)
REALITY: Obama Administration's Jobs Claim Is “Figure That Is So Murky It Can Never Be Verified.” ―Obama faces souring public opinion over his handling of the economy, which has shed 1.6 million jobs since the stimulus was signed in February. That total has far overshadowed White House announcements estimating the effort has saved 150,000 jobs, a figure that is so murky it can never be verified. (Brett J. Blackledge & Matt Apuzzo, ―Spin Meter: Obama's New 'Accelerated' Recovery Plan Is Neither New Nor Accelerated, The Associated Press, 6/9/09)
CLAIM #23: Biden Claimed Stimulus Would Create Jobs “That Can’t Be Outsourced.” “This energy efficiency funding for states is an important investment in making America more energy independent, creating a cleaner economy and creating more jobs for the 21st century that can‘t be outsourced. (The White House, ―Administration Announces Nearly $8 Billion in Weatherization Funding and Energy Efficiency Grants, 3/12/09)
REALITY: Recently Distributed Stimulus Funds Going To Foreign Corporations Creating Jobs Overseas. ―Nearly half of the $2.4 billion in federal grant money awarded Wednesday to stimulate the U.S. economy and boost the production of hybrid and electric vehicles went to six companies with ties to places as far away as Russia, China, South Korea and France. ... But because so few American companies have the necessary technology, much of the money will initially go toward manufacturing electric vehicle batteries overseas. (Jerry Seper, ―Obama Sends Stimulus Aid To Foreign Firms, The Washington Times, 8/6/09)
CLAIM #24: Biden Claimed Construction Projects Getting Started As Soon As Possible. ―Road projects, energy projects and construction projects are being started as soon as they pass review, contracts are competitively bid and reporting systems are in place. (Joe Biden, ―What You Might Not Know About The Recovery, The New York Times, 7/26/09)
REALITY: Construction Industry Disappointed With Low Amount Of Stimulus Funds For Roads, Leading To Very Few Jobs Actually Being Created. ―Much of the $787 billion in a federal program to spur the economy was supposed to pour like mixed concrete onto American roads, bridges, and construction sites. So far, though, the amount of money funneling into US construction zones is less than expected. ... Judging by a survey within the trade association, Sandherr says, relatively few new jobs are being created by the stimulus. (Mark Trumbull, ―Contractors Say Stimulus Has Been Slow To Kick In, The Christian Science Monitor, 7/30/09)
CLAIM #25: Biden Said Stimulus Funds Not Stuck In Bureaucratic “Red Tape Or Delays.” ―The bottom line is that two-thirds of the Recovery Act doesn‘t finance ‗programs,‘ but goes directly to tax cuts, state governments and families in need, without red tape or delays. (Joe Biden, ―What You Might Not Know About the Recovery, The New York Times, 7/26/09)
REALITY: Shovel-Ready Projects Haven’t Been Allowed To Start. ―As of July 10, more than 3,600 of the 5,600 road projects approved by Washington -- including six of the 10 largest approved projects -- had not been given the green light to start construction ... In Florida, not a single highway project had been given the go-ahead to start construction by July 10 -- even though the state, with an unemployment rate of 10.6%, had 272 projects valued at more than $1 billion approved by the federal government. (Don Lee, ―Highway Spending Isn‘t The Stimulus It Was Envisioned To Be, The Los Angeles Times, 7/20/09)
CLAIM #26: Biden Said Stimulus Funds Would Be “Closely Watched” To Ensure Effective Use Of Money. ―‗I know it‘s the Christmas season, but President-elect Obama and I are absolutely, absolutely determined that this economic recovery package will not become a Christmas tree,‘ Biden said. ‗Every dollar will be closely watched to make sure it‘s being used in an effective manner.‘ (Jeanne Sahadi, Obama Closing In On Stimulus Funds,, 2/18/09)
REALITY: Biden Admitted Stimulus Funds Will Be Wasted. ―‗We know some of this money is going to be wasted,‘ Biden said during a roundtable discussion in New York with business leaders aimed at promoting the two-year stimulus plan. (Pedro Nicolaci da Costa, ―Biden Says Some Waste Inevitable Part of Stimulus, Reuters, 6/2/09)
CLAIM #27: Biden Suggested Stimulus Funds Not Awarded To Projects Without Merit. ―Taxpayers should know that we have not hesitated to reject proposals that have failed to meet our merit-based standards. (Joe Biden, ―What You Might Not Know About the Recovery, The New York Times, 7/26/09)
REALITY: Biden Admitted Stimulus Funds Will Be Wasted. ―‗We know some of this money is going to be wasted,‘ Biden said during a roundtable discussion in New York with business leaders aimed at promoting the two-year stimulus plan. (Pedro Nicolaci da Costa, ―Biden Says Some Waste Inevitable Part of Stimulus, Reuters, 6/2/09)
CLAIM #28: Biden Claimed Stimulus Has “High Level of Transparency And Accountability.” ―More than 30,000 projects have been approved, and thousands are already posted on -- providing a high level of transparency and accountability. (Joe Biden, ―What You Might Not Know About The Recovery, The New York Times, 7/26/09)
REALITY: GAO Report Said Transparency, Oversight Lacking In Stimulus. ―The Government Accountability Office said in a report that increased transparency and better oversight is needed to track stimulus money being sent to state and local governments. The report noted that keeping track of stimulus money and effectiveness wasn‘t necessarily easy under the current methods. ‗Questions remained about how to count jobs and measure performance under Recovery Actfunded programs,‘ the report said. (Rich Edson and Joanna Ossinger, ―GAO: More Transparency Needed To Track Stimulus Money, Fox Business, 7/7/09)
CLAIM #29: Biden Said Stimulus Means “Return Of Hope.” ―Moreover, Biden said, recovery is ‗more than just a compilation of statistics; it‘s the return of hope and optimism about the future that comes with making life better for communities and families across the country.‘ (David Lightman, ―Stimulus Funds Being Spent Slowly, The Miami Herald, 5/28/09)
REALITY: No Hope Among Americans That Stimulus Is Helping To End Recession. ―Six months after President Obama launched a $787 billion plan to right the nation‘s economy, a majority of Americans think the avalanche of new federal aid has cost too much and done too little to end the recession. (Brad Heath, ―Poll: 57% Don‘t See Stimulus Working, USA Today, 8/17/09)
CLAIM #30: Biden Claimed Stimulus Was Never Intended To Be Economic “Jolt.” ―But the act was intended to provide steady support for our economy over an extended period -- not a jolt that would last only a few months. (Joe Biden, ―What You Might Not Know About The Recovery, The New York Times, 7/26/09)
REALITY: Obama Said In February That Stimulus Would “Jolt Our Economy Back To Life.” ―Obama defended the role of government in the recovery process, saying that ‗with the private sector so weakened by this recession, the federal government is the only entity left with the resources to jolt our economy back to life.‘ (Anne E. Komblut and Michael Fletcher, ―Obama Says Economic Crisis Comes First, The Washington Post, 2/10/09)
CLAIM #31: Biden Said Stimulus Was Intended To Help Nation “Climb Out” Of Recession. ―[The stimulus] was not intended to pull us out of the ditch we were pushed into eight years ago, but to prevent us from going deeper in and begin to climb out. (Michael Sluss, ―Biden Touts Stimulus in Pitch to VA, The Roanoke Times, 8/11/09)
REALITY: Over Next Year, Millions Of Americans Will Not See Any Benefits From Recovery. ―But the same data also explain why any recovery isn‘t going to feel like one anytime soon for millions of Americans. Its existence will be confirmed by statistics, but, over at least the next year, the benefits are unlikely to materialize in the form of higher wages or tax receipts or more jobs. ‗It‘s going to be a recovery only a statistician can love,‘ Wells Fargo senior economist Mark Vitner said. (Annys Shin, ―‗A Recovery Only A Statistician Can Love,‘ The Washington Post, 8/12/09)
CLAIM #32: According To Biden, Stimulus Has “Put The Brakes On The Recession.” ―Biden said the administration‘s efforts have helped ‗put the brakes on the recession‘ and reminded the audience of how far they have come since the economy‘s bottom fell out. (―Biden: Stimulus ‗Put The Brakes‘ On Recession, Chicago Breaking News Center, 7/31/09)
REALITY: Stimulus Had Nothing To Do With Smaller-Than Expected Economic Contraction. ―The nation's economy is starting to rebound, but the Obama administration's massive stimulus package had little to do with it. The gross domestic product contracted at an annual rate of 1%, a significantly slower decline than the past two quarters. Economists had expected a drop of 1.5%. While government spending at all levels increased in the second quarter, only a small amount of the $787 billion stimulus package had trickled out by June 30. (Tami Luhby, ―Stimulus Has Yet To Really Boost GDP,, 7/31/09)
CLAIM #33: Biden Claimed Stimulus Kept People From Falling Into “Deep Black Hole.” Vice President Joseph Biden defended the Obama administration‘s efforts to spur growth with its stimulus package, saying it has kept people from falling into a ‗deep black hole.‘ (―Biden: Stimulus ‗Put The Brakes‘ On Recession, Chicago Breaking News Center, 7/31/09)
REALITY: America May Have “Jobless Recovery.” ―Moreover, experience of recent economic recoveries (particularly following the brief 2001 recession) suggests the possibility of a ‗jobless recovery.‘ The chance of a jobless economic recovery this time around is heightened by the tendency of companies to reduce employees‘ working hours and to bolster their reliance on parttime workers. (―Joblessness Will Hinder U.S. Recovery, Forbes, 8/5/09)
CLAIM #34: Biden Said “Widely Held View” Is That Stimulus Is Working. ―After meeting with economic advisers Tuesday, Vice President Joseph Biden said, ‗It‘s a fairly widespread and widely held view that the recovery act is working.‘ (David Lightman, ―Stimulus Funds Being Spent Slowly, The Miami Herald, 5/28/09)
REALITY: Former Clinton Secretary Of Labor Says “There’s No Evidence That This Economy Is Doing Much Better.” ROBERT REICH: ―Anybody who says we‘re out of the woods or moving out of the woods has got to be lost at sea. I mean there‘s no evidence that this economy is doing much better. The best that can be said is that we‘re getting worse more slowly, and that is a small consolation for people who are losing their jobs. (ABC News‘ ―This Week, 8/23/09)
CLAIM #35: Biden Said Stimulus Is Working “Without Reservation.” ―Vice President Joe Biden, put in charge of keeping waste and fraud out of the $787 billion economic stimulus package, declared today ‗without reservation‘ that the recovery plan is working. (Foon Rhee, ―Biden: Recovery Plan is Working, The Boston Globe, 8/4/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Signed In February, America Has Lost More Than 2.2 Million Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Website,, Accessed 8/7/09)
CLAIM #36: Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Said Stimulus Was Necessary To Prevent Job Losses. ―The stimulus plan, [Geithner] said, ‗was necessary and critically important to reduce the risk that we‘d see hundreds of thousands losses of jobs and we‘d see million of job losses beyond this point and see thousands of more business fail unnecessarily.‘ (Anne Flaherty, ―Geithner Defends Stimulus, Calls For Derivatives Regulation, The Associated Press, 7/10/09)
REALITY: CBO Said High Unemployment Will Not End Anytime Soon. ―However, Douglas Elmendorf, the director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, was more cautious in his State of the Economy review to the House Budget Committee last week. ‗The economy will stop contracting and resume growing during the second half of this year,‘ he said, ‗but the hardships caused by the recession will persist for some time …‘ In addition, Elmendorf predicted, unemployment is expected to peak at 10.5 percent in the second half of next year. (David Lightman, ―Stimulus Funds Being Spent Slowly, The Miami Herald, 8/13/09)
CLAIM #37: Geithner Stated Stimulus On “Expected Path.” ―Despite persistently high unemployment, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Friday the Obama administration‘s economic stimulus plan is on the ‗expected path.‘ ‗There‘s been substantial improvements in arresting what was the worst recession globally we‘ve seen in generations,‘ Geithner told lawmakers Friday. (―Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Says Economic Stimulus On Expected Path, The Associated Press, 7/10/09)
Stimulus Fails To Create Jobs Despite Obama Administration's Predictions Of “Boom In Job Creation.” ―[T]wo of [Obama's] chief economic advisers, and leading proponents of a stimulus bill, predicted that the passage of a large economic-aid package would boost the economy and keep the unemployment rate below 8%. It hasn't quite worked out that way. … What has not come to pass, however, is the boom in job creation that Romer and Bernstein predicted. A little over a month ago, the Administration said the stimulus bill had created or saved 150,000 jobs. That's a far cry from the 3 million to 4 million jobs that Romer and Bernstein foresaw back in January. (Stephen
Gandel, ―Obama's Stimulus Plan: Failing by Its Own Measure, Time,8816,1910208,00.html, 7/14/09)
CLAIM #38: National Economic Council Director Larry Summers Claimed Stimulus Will Prevent Unemployment From Reaching 10 Percent. ―[Summers] added that the package will probably prevent the unemployment rate from going above 10 percent, after it reached 7.6 percent in January. (Rich Miller and Matthew Benjamin, ―Summers Obama Mortgage Plan To Focus On Reducing Payments, Bloomberg, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Now Obama Administration Admits Unemployment Could Hit 10 Percent. ―Administration officials and the Federal Reserve all predict that unemployment could climb above 10 percent and is not likely to start edging down until some time in 2010. (Edmund L. Andrews, ―Economists See A Limited Boost From Stimulus, The New York Times, 8/6/09)
CLAIM #39: Summers Insisted “You Can Count The Jobs” Created By Stimulus, Including Teaching Jobs. ―You can count the jobs, the 14,000 jobs, teacher‘s jobs in Florida, the jobs saved across the country of cops and teachers. You can see it in the other people whose state and local governments haven‘t laid off. You can see it in the contracts and the hiring for construction projects. (NBC‘s ―Meet the Press Transcript
for August 2, 2009,, 8/2/09)
CBS News Says It's Impossible To Verify Administration's Job Claims. Wyatt Andrews: ―[H]ere's the reality: those 150,000 jobs are a guess ... Maya MacGuineas, President of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget: ―There's no way that an economist no matter how good can say, 'this stimulus package created this many jobs.' It's just a jump that you can't make with any certainty ... It would be absolutely impossible to measure with any precision how many people have kept their jobs. (CBS Evening News, 6/11/09)
CLAIM #40: Biden’s Economic Adviser, Jared Bernstein Said Unemployment Would Have Risen Faster Without Stimulus. ―The fact that the unemployment rate is going up or the fact that we are losing jobs, again, should not be taken as evidence that the plan is ineffective, Bernstein said. ―To the contrary, the unemployment rate would rise more quickly, job loss would be deeper in the absence of the act. (―Economic Stimulus Has Created, Saved 150,000 Jobs: White House, Reuters, 5/27/09)
REALITY: White House Said Unemployment Would Reach 8 Percent This Year Without Stimulus, But Even With Stimulus, July Unemployment Was 9.4%. (Jake Tapper, ―President Obama Predicts Unemployment Will Hit 10% This Year, ABC News' Political Punch Blog, 6/16/09; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 8/26/09)
CLAIM #41: In February, Summers Claimed Effects Of Stimulus Would “Begin Almost Immediately.” CNN‘S WOLF BLITZER: ―It‘s a tough call, obviously, right now for these members of Congress. But if the president gets his way and gets this package approved, he signs it into law, how soon before the American public starts to feel results, the creation of jobs? LARRY SUMMERS: ―You‘ll see the effects begin almost immediately. (CNN‘s ―The Situation Room, 2/9/09)
REALITY: Now Summers Argues Stimulus Intended To “Play Out In The Next Couple Of Years.” LARRY SUMMERS: ―The administration‘s report was very clear that the stimulus would build over time, that less than 10% of the job creation would take place during 2009, that the largest impacts would be felt as the program took effect, as all of those projects got started ... the stimulus bill is a bill that‘s largely going to play out in the next couple of years. (NBC‘s ―Meet The Press, 8/2/09)
CLAIM #42: CEA Chair Christina Romer Said Stimulus Money Being Spent Quickly. ―The money is absolutely going out the door quickly. (Mark Silva, ―Stimulus Has Slowed U.S. Economic Decline, Obama Advisor Says, The Los Angeles Times, 8/6/09)
REALITY: Brookings’ Institution Scholar Says Stimulus Funds Moving Too Slow. ―‗It‘s just taken too long to get it going,‘ said Barry Bosworth, a senior fellow in Brookings‘ economic studies program. He said the program, a mixture of discretionary spending, tax cuts and state aid, did little to boost business investment. (Joseph J. Schatz, ―Analysts Give Stimulus Mixed Review, Congressional Quarterly, 8/13/09)
CLAIM #43: Romer Claimed Stimulus Would Make Economy “Turn The Corner And We Will Start Adding Jobs.” ROMER: ―I think we certainly are experiencing a very severe downturn, but I think with this
action, together with the actions that Secretary Geithner announced yesterday, we will turn the corner and we will start adding jobs, rather than losing them at more than half a million a month, like we have been for the last four months. (Fox Business News‘ ―Happy Hour, 2/12/09)
REALITY: Now Romer Argues Economy Has Yet To “Hit Bottom,” Recovery Will Be Slow. ROMER: ―[W]e still have a ways to go before we hit bottom and certainly it‘s going to be a long hard slog getting out of this. (CNN‘s ―State Of The Union, 8/2/09)
CLAIM #44: OMB Director Peter Orszag Said Stimulus Funds Must Be Spent Quickly And Wisely. ―If we are to achieve the president‘s goal of creating or saving 3.5 million jobs through this legislation, we need to make sure the money goes out quickly and also wisely. (―Stimulus Money Must Be Spent Quickly, Wisely: Orszag, Reuters, 2/25/09)
REALITY: In Five Months Following Signing Of Stimulus Bill, Just 10 Percent Of Money Had Been Spent. ―Nearly five months after President Obama signed the $787 billion stimulus bill, a stillworsening economy has many wondering if stimulus is a bunch of baloney. … With August quickly approaching, roughly $75 billion, or 10% of stimulus funds, have been paid out, and the unemployment rate has already risen to 9.5%. (David Goldman, ―Stimulus: Progress Or Broken Promise? CNN, 7/7/09)
CLAIM #45: Summers Stated Stimulus Funds Would Be Monitored Closely. ―Investments will be chosen strategically based on what yields the highest rate of return for the economy and monitored closely not just by officials but also by the public as government becomes more transparent. We expect to evaluate and to be evaluated rigorously to ensure that Washington is held accountable for how tax dollars are spent. (Lawrence Summers, Op-Ed, ―Obama‘s Down Payment: A Stimulus Must Aim for Long-Term Results, The Washington Post, 12/28/09)
REALITY: GAO Says Transparency, Oversight Lacking. ―The Government Accountability Office said in a report that increased transparency and better oversight is needed to track stimulus money being sent to state and local governments. The report noted that keeping track of stimulus money and effectiveness wasn‘t necessarily easy under the current methods. ‗Questions remained about how to count jobs and measure performance under Recovery Act-funded programs,‘ the report said. (Rich Edson and Joanna Ossinger, ―GAO: More Transparency Needed To Track Stimulus Money, Fox Business, 7/7/09)
CLAIM #46: Romer Said Stimulus Spending Had To “Satisfy Genuine Needs.” ―At a time when the budget deficit was already large, we could not afford to create jobs by digging ditches and filling them in. Government spending had to satisfy genuine needs and leave us with useful public investments. (Christina D. Romer, Chair, Council of Economic Advisers, ―So, Is It Working? An Assessment Of The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act At The Five-Month Mark, Statement Before The Economic Club Of Washington D.C., Washington, D.C., 8/6/09)
REALITY: Stimulus Funds Going Toward Art Houses Showing “Underground Pornography.” ―The National Endowment for the Arts may be spending some of the money it received from the Recovery and Reinvestment Act to fund nude simulated-sex dances, Saturday night ‗pervert‘ revues and the airing of pornographic horror films at art houses in San Francisco. (Joseph Abrams, ―Stimulus Bill Funds Go To Art Houses Showing ‗Pervert‘ Revues, Underground Pornography, Fox News, 7/30/09)
CLAIM #47: Romer Claimed Stimulus Money Being “Incredibly Well-Spent.” MSNBC‘S DYLAN RATIGAN: ―What is the cost in your mind of the trillions that were put at the government level in order to basically pull the parachute? CHRISTINA ROMER: ―I think it was money incredibly well-spent. (MSNBC‘s ―Morning Meeting, 7/31/09)
REALITY: Stimulus Money Going To Fix Roads That Don’t Need Repairs. ―Tens of thousands of unsafe or decaying bridges carrying 100 million drivers a day must wait for repairs because states are spending stimulus money on spans that are already in good shape or on easier projects like repaving roads … (Brett J. Blackledge and Matt Apuzzo, ―Stimulus Cash Not Fixing Dangerous Bridges, The Associated Press, 7/31/09)
CLAIM #48: Romer Said Stimulus Resulted In “Good Employment Bang” For Amount Spent. ―‗The president aimed for a package that was large and got good employment bang for the fiscal buck,‘ the president‘s advisor said. (Mark Silva, ―Stimulus Has Slowed U.S. Economic Decline, Obama Advisor Says, The Los Angeles Times, 8/6/09)
REALITY: Construction Industry Disappointed With Low Amount Of Stimulus Funds For Roads, Leading To Very Few Jobs Actually Being Created. ―Much of the $787 billion in a federal program to spur the economy was supposed to pour like mixed concrete onto American roads, bridges, and construction sites. So far, though, the amount of money funneling into US construction zones is less than expected. ... Judging by a survey within the trade association, Sandherr says, relatively few new jobs are being created by the stimulus. (Mark Trumbull, ―Contractors Say Stimulus Has Been Slow To Kick In, The Christian Science Monitor, 7/30/09)
CLAIM #49: Romer Claimed Stimulus Money Aimed At Infrastructure And Construction. ―We know a big part of the stimulus package was aimed at infrastructure, at construction more generally. (CNBC‘s ―Closing Bell, 7/13/09)
REALITY: Infrastructure Projects Receiving Very Small Percentage Of Stimulus Funds. ―According to the report, 90% of the money distributed has come in the form of increased federal education and health-care grants to state governments. This money has helped many state governments to partially offset budget shortfalls. A much smaller portion has been spent on transportation infrastructure projects, the GAO said. (Corey Boles, ―Flow Of Stimulus Funds Slightly Exceeds Forecast, The Wall Street Journal, 7/8/09)
CLAIM #50: Romer Said Stimulus “Changing The Trajectory Of The Economy.” ―‗Absolutely‘ the stimulus is working, said Ms. Romer. ‗The Recovery Act … is helping to slow the decline, and change the trajectory of the economy,‘ she added. (Peter Grier, ―‗Absolutely‘ the Stimulus is Working, Romer Says, The Christian Science Monitor, 8/6/09)
REALITY: White House Press Secretary Admits Very Few Places Have Seen Positive Changes In Unemployment. ―I think you could probably count on one or two hands the places where the unemployment rate has improved in those few months. (Robert Gibbs, Remarks At White House Press Briefing, Washington, DC, 8/4/09)
CLAIM #51: In February, Geithner Said Stimulus Would Provide “Immediate Response To The Current Crisis.” ―‗We view our economic recovery plan, our financial stability plan and now this homeowner affordability plan as three legs to the same stool -- an integrated whole that represents our immediate response to the current crisis.‘ (Pete Kasperowicz, ―Geithner Touts $8,000 Homebuyer Tax Credit, Reuters, 2/25/09)
REALITY: Geithner Now Argues Economy Long Way From Recovery, “Ultimate Test” Of Stimulus Yet To Be Met. GEITHNER: ―I think we have a ways to go ... Unemployment is very high in this country ... We need recovery to be built on private demand, private spending. Businesses taking a chance in the American economy. Putting investments to work, starting to rebuild their employment base. That‘s the ultimate test for recovery. (ABC News‘ ―This Week, 8/2/09)
CLAIM #52: Geithner Claimed That Without Stimulus “Too Many People Will Lose Their Jobs.” ―It is essential for every American to understand that the battle for economic recovery must be fought on two fronts. We have to both jumpstart job creation and private investment, and we must get credit flowing again to businesses and families. Without a powerful Economic Recovery Act, too many Americans will lose their jobs and too many businesses will fail. (―Text Of Geithner‘s Remarks, Market Watch, 2/10/09)
REALITY: Obama’s Press Secretary Admits Very Few Places Have Seen Positive Changes In Unemployment. ―I think you could probably count on one or two hands the places where the unemployment rate has improved in those few months. (Robert Gibbs, Remarks At White House Press Briefing, Washington, DC 8/4/09)
CLAIM #53: Romer Said “We Always Knew” Results From Stimulus Would Not Be Seen Right Away. ―We always knew we were not going to get all that much fiscal impact during the first five to six months. The big impact starts to hit from about now onwards, she said (Krishna Guha, ―Romer Upbeat On US Economy, Financial Times, 6/28/09)
REALITY: Obama Pledged Back In January That Stimulus Money Would Go Out The Door Immediately To Create Jobs. ―And that is why I hope to sign an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan into law in the next few weeks. Most of the money we‘re investing as part of this plan will get out the door immediately and go directly to job-creation, generating or saving three to four million new jobs. (The White House, ―Remarks of President Barack Obama on the Economy, Press Release, 1/28/09)
CLAIM #54: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Said Stimulus Will “Save Millions Of Jobs.” ―The Congress and the President understand the deep apprehension that the American people feel - about their jobs, their health care, and the economic security of their families. Congress has responded with swift, bold, and sweeping legislation that will help create and save millions of jobs and transform our nation, with tough accountability and transparency. (―Pelosi Statement On President Obama Signing Economic Recovery Legislation, Reuters, 2/17/09)
REALITY: Job Losses Now At Historic Highs. ―The cumulative job losses over the last six months have been greater than for any other half year period since World War II, including the military demobilization after the war. The job losses are also now equal to the net job gains over the previous nine years, making this the only recession since the Great Depression to wipe out all job growth from the previous expansion. (Mortimer Zuckerman, Op-Ed, ―The Economy is Even Worse Than You Think, The Wall Street Journal, 7/14/09)
CLAIM #55: House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) Said Stimulus Will “Put Americans Back To Work.” ―President Obama‘s signing of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act set in motion today an aggressive plan to put Americans back to work and jumpstart our ailing economy. In Maryland, we will see the impact of this plan in tax cuts for individuals and small businesses; investments in infrastructure, education and critical public services; and assistance for Marylanders squeezed the most in this economic downturn. (Rep. Steny Hoyer, ―Hoyer Statement On President‘s Signing Of American Recovery And Reinvestment Act, Press Release, 2/17/09)
REALITY: Maryland’s Unemployment Rate Now At Historic 26 Year High. ―Maryland‘s unemployment rate rose to 7.3 percent last month - the worst it‘s been in a generation - as the national recession continued to eat away at the state‘s job base. Employers cut 1,100 jobs last month, the Labor Department said Friday. … Not since 1983 has the unemployment rate been so high. (Jamie Smith Hopkins, ―Maryland Unemployment Rate Rises To 7.3 Percent, The Baltimore Sun, 7/18/09)
CLAIM #56: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) Claimed Stimulus Would Be Good For Nevada. ―This recovery package is going to be good for Nevada… It will create jobs in our state while improving our roads, bridges and public transportation. It also cuts taxes for working families who are struggling just to get by. And tax incentives will create renewable energy jobs, putting Nevadans to work turning our abundant natural resources into the energy we need to power our state. (Sen. Harry Reid, ―Reid: Economic Recovery Package Will Create Nevada Jobs, Help Struggling Families And Strengthen The Economy, Press Release, 2/17/09)
REALITY: Unemployment In Nevada In July Was 12.5 Percent, Up From 10 Percent In February When Stimulus Was Passed. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #57: Reid Said Stimulus Would Create “Good-Paying Jobs Here At Home.” ―The plan we passed tonight will strengthen our economy by creating millions of good-paying jobs here at home; deliver tax relief for 95% of workers and invest in America‘s future by fixing our communities‘ roads and bridges,
improving our children‘s education and making our country more energy independent. (John Fritze, ―Congress
Passes $787B Economic Stimulus Bill, USA Today, 2/15/09)
REALITY: Recently Distributed Stimulus Funds Going To Foreign Corporations Creating Jobs Overseas. ―Nearly half of the $2.4 billion in federal grant money awarded Wednesday to stimulate the U.S. economy and boost the production of hybrid and electric vehicles went to six companies with ties to places as far away as Russia, China, South Korea and France. ... But because so few American companies have the necessary technology, much of the money will initially go toward manufacturing electric vehicle batteries overseas. (Jerry Seper, ―Obama Sends Stimulus Aid To Foreign Firms, The Washington Times, 8/6/09)
CLAIM #58: Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) Said Stimulus Will Create Or Save 3.5 Million Jobs. ―The American recovery and reinvestment conference report that we now have before us will help create or maintain 3.5 million jobs. (Sen. Richard Durbin, Congressional Record, 2/13/09, p. S2288)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Bill Was Signed In February, America Has Lost More Than 2.2 Million Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Website,, Accessed 8/7/09)
CLAIM #59: Durbin Said Stimulus Will Create Jobs In Every State. ―The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will create or save between 3 million and 4 million jobs throughout America. These are good-paying jobs right here in America that we desperately, desperately need. (Sen. Richard Durbin, Remarks At Press Conference, Washington, DC 2/5/09)
REALITY: Fourteen States Now Have Double Digit Unemployment Rates In July. ―There were 14 states that had unemployment rates in double digits last month, with three including California setting all-time highs, the Labor Department reported Friday. The report, which gives a regional breakdown of the national employment data released earlier this month, again put Michigan in the lead with the highest jobless rate: 15%. (Laura Mandaro, ―Jobless Rate Hits Double Digits in 14 States, D.C., The Wall Street Journal, 8/21/09)
CLAIM #60: Hoyer Said Stimulus Will “Provide An Immediate Jolt To Our Economy.” (Rep. Steny Hoyer, ―House Passes Historic Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Conference Report, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Americans Remaining Unemployed For Unprecedented Periods Of Time. ―[T]he rolls of the long-term unemployed are growing, with 29 percent of the jobless out of work for more than 26 weeks, the most since records began in 1948. (Matthew Benjamin And Alison Sider, ―Obama Stimulus Fails To Reboot Economy As No Multiplier Effect, Bloomberg, 7/17/09)
CLAIM #61: Durbin Said Stimulus Funds Will Go Out Quickly. ―This bill is structured to get the money out quickly to the states where the jobs will be created. We don‘t have a moment to lose. (Sen. Richard Durbin, Remarks At Press Conference, Washington, DC 2/5/09)
REALITY: Brookings’ Institution Scholar Says Stimulus Funds Moving Too Slow. ―‗It‘s just taken too long to get it going,‘ said Barry Bosworth, a senior fellow in Brookings‘ economic studies program. He said the program, a mixture of discretionary spending, tax cuts and state aid, did little to boost business investment. (Joseph J. Schatz, ―Analysts Give Stimulus Mixed Review, Congressional Quarterly, 8/13/09)
CLAIM #62: Pelosi Promised Every Stimulus Project Would Be About Stimulating Economy. CBS‘ MAGGIE RODRIGUEZ: ―Can you honestly say that every program in this plan is solely to stimulate the economy? SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE NANCY PELOSI: ―Yes, I can. (CBS News‘ ―The Early Show, 1/29/09)
REALITY: Obama Administration Pushing States To Use Stimulus Funds To Advertise Stimulus Funds. ―PennDOT has spent $60,000 to create large green road signs telling motorists that funding was secured by the federal stimulus package ... The signs will cost about $2,000 each ... Lori Irving, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of Transportation, acknowledged the department strongly encouraged states to use stimulus funding to develop the signs ... ‗Personally I think it is ridiculous that any of the stimulus money is used by government entities to make signs,‘ said Mike Cupp of Morgantown, W.Va. … ‗Explain to me how that is stimulating?‘ (Salena Zito, ―Road Signs Eat Up Part Of Stimulus, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 7/20/09)
CLAIM #63: Durbin Said Stimulus Jobs “Are Impossible To Outsource. ―The type of jobs we‘d create through this bill are impossible to outsource. These will be good-paying jobs right here in America. (Sen. Richard Durbin, Remarks At Press Conference, Washington, DC 2/5/09)
REALITY: Recently Distributed Stimulus Funds Going To Foreign Corporations Creating Jobs Overseas. ―Nearly half of the $2.4 billion in federal grant money awarded Wednesday to stimulate the U.S. economy and boost the production of hybrid and electric vehicles went to six companies with ties to places as far away as Russia, China, South Korea and France. ... But because so few American companies have the necessary technology, much of the money will initially go toward manufacturing electric vehicle batteries overseas. (Jerry Seper, ―Obama Sends Stimulus Aid To Foreign Firms, The Washington Times, 8/6/09)
CLAIM #64: Pelosi Claimed Stimulus Would Have “Unprecedented Accountability Measures.” ―It invests quickly into the economy, 75 percent in the first 18 months. The recovery plan has unprecedented accountability measures built in, providing strong oversight, an historic degree of public transparency, and including no earmarks. So it‘s about jobs, tax cuts, and accountability. (Speaker Pelosi, Remarks On Conference Call, Washington, DC, 1/27/09)
REALITY: GAO Reports Transparency, Oversight Lacking When Keeping Track of Stimulus’ Effectiveness. ―The Government Accountability Office said in a report that increased transparency and better oversight is needed to track stimulus money being sent to state and local governments. The report noted that keeping track of stimulus money and effectiveness wasn‘t necessarily easy under the current methods. ‗Questions remained about how to count jobs and measure performance under Recovery Act-funded programs,‘ the report said. (Rich Edson and Joanna Ossinger, ―GAO: More Transparency Needed To Track Stimulus Money, Fox Business, 7/7/09)
CLAIM #65: Hoyer Said Stimulus Would Have “Historic Degree Of Public Transparency.” ―In addition, the Recovery Plan has significant accountability and transparency measures built in: no earmarks or pet projects, strong oversight of spending, and an historic degree of public transparency online at, so Members of Congress and citizens can track the success of these efforts. The plan also creates a new Accountability and Transparency Board that will be working to protect funds from waste and fraud. (Congressman Steny Hoyer, ―House Passes Historic Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Conference Report, Floor Statement, 2/13/09)
REALITY: GAO Reports Transparency, Oversight Lacking When Keeping Track of Stimulus’ Effectiveness. ―The Government Accountability Office said in a report that increased transparency and better oversight is needed to track stimulus money being sent to state and local governments. The report noted that keeping track of stimulus money and effectiveness wasn‘t necessarily easy under the current methods. ‗Questions remained about how to count jobs and measure performance under Recovery Act-funded programs,‘ the report said. (Rich Edson and Joanna Ossinger, ―GAO: More Transparency Needed To Track Stimulus Money, Fox Business, 7/7/09)
CLAIM #66: Reid Guaranteed “Transparency And Accountability.” ―Our plan also guarantees transparency and accountability to ensure that taxpayers‘ money is spent wisely. (John Fritze, ―Congress Passes $787B Economic Stimulus Bill, USA Today, 2/15/09)
REALITY: No System In Place For Government To Report How Stimulus Money Is Spent. ―The report raises concerns about how states and the federal governments will report back on how the stimulus money is spent. The Office of Management and Budget has provided some guidance on how to report the information, but auditors suggest that the states will require more information. (Ed O‘Keefe, ―Eye Opener: Economic Stimulus Report, The Washington Post’s “Federal Eye” Blog, 7/8/09)
CLAIM #67: Pelosi Said Stimulus Has Helped Every Neighborhood In Country. ―House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the stimulus had ‗laid the foundation for growth and progress in every neighborhood and in every industry across the country.‘ (Ian Swanson, ―Poll Finds Serious Doubts Six Months After Stimulus, The Hill, 8/17/09)
REALITY: Hard Hit Areas Not Receiving Funds Despite Requirements In Stimulus Package. ―Under the Obama administration‘s economic stimulus plan, needy communities were supposed to be a priority when doling out money to rebuild highways and jump-start the economy. It hasn‘t worked out that way. The rules required that states give priority to counties considered ‗economically distressed.‘ Yet less than half the federal highway money announced so far is directed toward those high-unemployment, low-income areas according to an Associated Press analysis of more than $16 billion in spending announced by the U.S. Transportation Department. (April Castro, ―Stimulus Watch: Neediest Areas Not First For Money, The Associated Press, 7/19/09)
CLAIM #68: Pelosi Said Stimulus Responsible For Unemployment Rate In July Falling 0.1 Percent. ―Pelosi said the stimulus led to a dip in the unemployment rate in July from 9.5 to 9.4 percent. She also gave credit to the stimulus for reports suggesting the economic slowdown may be at an end. (Ian Swanson, ―Poll Finds Serious Doubts Six Months After Stimulus, The Hill, 8/17/09)
REALITY: Economist Paul Krugman Says “Job Market Still Hasn’t Turned Around,” Decline In Unemployment Rate Was Likely “Statistical Fluke.” ―And the job market still hasn‘t turned around — that slight dip in the measured unemployment rate last month was probably a statistical fluke. (Paul Krugman, Op-Ed, ―Averting The Worst, The New York Times, 8/9/09)
CLAIM #69: Pelosi Described Passage Of Stimulus As A Day Of “New Hope.” ―Today is a day of new jobs, new hope, and a New Direction for the American economy. (Speaker Pelosi, ―Pelosi Statement On President Obama Signing Economic Recovery Legislation, Press Release, 2/17/09)
REALITY: Majority Of Americans Doubt Stimulus Is Helping End Recession. ―Six months after President Obama launched a $787 billion plan to right the nation‘s economy, a majority of Americans think the avalanche of new federal aid has cost too much and done too little to end the recession. (Brad Heath, ―Poll: 57% Don‘t See Stimulus Working, USA Today, 8/17/09)
CLAIM #70: Pelosi Claimed U.S. Lost 500 Million Jobs Every Month We Went Without Stimulus Package. ―Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package, 500 million Americans lose their jobs. I don‘t think we can go fast enough to stop that. The president asked for action, swift and bold. That is what we are doing. (Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Remarks At Weekly Press Conference, Washington, DC, 1/22/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Bill Was Signed In February, America Has Lost More Than 2.2 Million Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #71: Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL) Said Stimulus Would Help Struggling American Families. ―This bill provides tax relief to working families across the country; creates or saves millions of good-paying Americans jobs; helps struggling homeowners stay in their homes and makes it easier for students to afford quality education. (Sen. Richard Durbin, ―Durbin Statement On The Passage Of The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: CBO Says “Hardships” Of Recession Will Not End Anytime Soon. ―However, Douglas Elmendorf, the director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, was more cautious in his State of the Economy review to the House Budget Committee last week. ‗The economy will stop contracting and resume growing during the second half of this year,‘ he said, ‗but the hardships caused by the recession will persist for some time.‘ (David Lightman, ―Stimulus Funds Being Spent Slowly, The Miami Herald, 8/13/09)
CLAIM #72: Durbin Said Stimulus Will “Reinvigorate This Economy.” ―President Obama‘s request that we pass a stimulus package, a spending bill and tax cut package that will reinvigorate this economy and try to stop the loss of jobs in America… we need to spend money into this economy to create and save 3 to 4 million jobs. (Sen. Richard Durbin, Congressional Record, 2/12/09, p. S2171)
REALITY: Under Obama, Job Losses Now At Historic Highs. ―The cumulative job losses over the last six months have been greater than for any other half year period since World War II, including the military demobilization after the war. The job losses are also now equal to the net job gains over the previous nine years, making this the only recession since the Great Depression to wipe out all job growth from the previous expansion. (Mortimer Zuckerman, Op-Ed, ―The Economy Is Even Worse Than You Think, The Wall Street Journal, 7/14/09)
CLAIM #73: Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA) Said Stimulus Will Create Jobs In Massachusetts. ―Today, President Obama signed into law a historic plan to create or save more than 3 million jobs, taking a critical step towards putting the American economy back on track… This economic recovery plan will create American jobs now, provide tax cuts for about 95 percent of Americans and lay a foundation for long-term growth through clean energy, innovation and education. I am especially glad to see that the bill will provide an estimated 7,700 jobs right here in the 7th District. (Rep. Ed Markey, ―Mass‘ 7th District Will See Immediate And Long-Term Benefits From Recovery Plan, Press Release, 2/17/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed In February, Massachusetts Has Lost Over 25,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #74: Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) Claimed Stimulus Would Help Put Rhode Islanders Back To Work. ―The recovery plan will put our state back to work, cut taxes and provide other needed relief for people who need help the most, and make smart, valuable investments in our present and our future. It‘s time to pass this bill and begin to jump-start our faltering economy. (Senator Jack Reed, ―By The Numbers: What The Economic Recovery Plan Could Mean For Rhode Island, Press Release, 2/6/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed, Unemployment In Rhode Island Has Increased By Almost 21 Percent From 10.5 Percent To 12.7 Percent. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 8/25/09)
CLAIM #75: Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) Said Stimulus Will Help Local Governments Put People Back To Work. ―This is a positive step forward for America, said Whitehouse. ―It will give President Obama and our local governments the tools they need to put people back to work, jump-start our faltering economy, and support our struggling families. Obviously, there‘s much more that will need to be done in the weeks and months ahead, but this is an important first step in our efforts to get our country back on track. (Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, ―Economic Recovery Bill Will Create Jobs and Support Families in Rhode Island, Whitehouse Says, Press Release, 2/10/09)
REALITY: Americans Remaining Unemployed For Unprecedented Periods Of Time. ―[T]he rolls of the long-term unemployed are growing, with 29 percent of the jobless out of work for more than 26 weeks, the most since records began in 1948. (Matthew Benjamin And Alison Sider, ―Obama Stimulus Fails To Reboot Economy As No Multiplier Effect, Bloomberg, 7/17/09)
CLAIM #76: Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) Claimed Stimulus Would Save Millions Of Jobs. ―Our number one priority should be to put America back to work. This economic recovery plan we are debating today will help create or save million jobs, including an entire generation of green jobs that will make public and private investments in renewable energy and make America more energy efficient. (Sen. Patrick Leahy, ―Economic Statement Of Senator Patrick Leahy ‗The American People Urgently Await Action On The Economic Recovery Plan,‘ Press Release, 2/10/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed In February, Over 2.2 Million Jobs Have Been Lost In The United States. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, 8/17/09)
CLAIM #77: Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) Said Stimulus Would Create “Jobs, Jobs, Jobs” In New York. ―This Economic Recovery package will be very good for New York State. It creates jobs, jobs, jobs and is one the first bills where New York gets more back from the federal government than we have put in. From funding for education, to health care and budget relief, to transportation and infrastructure, this is just what we need to get and keep people working during these very difficult times. (Sen. Charles Schumer, ―Schumer: Economic Stimulus Agreement Is A Home Run For New York State - Senator Details Impact Of Key Provisions On State, Press Release, 2/12/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed In February, New York Has Lost Over 91,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, 8/24/09)
CLAIM #78: Rep. Dan Maffei (D-NY) Claimed Stimulus Would Be “Injection” Into New York Economy And “Create Jobs.” ―There are parts of this bill that will provide an immediate injection into the Western and Central New York economy and create jobs, (Rep. Dan Maffei, ―Congressman Maffei Votes For Economic Recovery Package To Help Families And Communities Across Upstate New York, Press Release, 1/28/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed In February, New York Has Lost Over 91,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, 8/24/09)
CLAIM #79: Rep. John Hall (D-NY) Claimed Stimulus Bill Would “Create American Jobs Right Now.” ―[The stimulus] will create American jobs right now and lay a foundation for long-term growth through clean energy, innovation and education. (Rep. John Hall, ―House Passes Final Version Of Economic Recovery Package, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since The Stimulus Bill Was Signed Into Law In February, America Has Lost More Than 2.2 Million Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Website,, Accessed 8/7/09)
CLAIM #80: Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) Stated Stimulus Would Create 3.5 Million Jobs. ―Under the bill approved by the House, 3.5 million jobs will be created or maintained… (Congressman Rangel, ―Congress Passes Economic Recovery Package, Press Release, 2/14/09)
REALITY: Since The Stimulus Bill Was Signed Into Law In February, America Has Lost More Than 2.2 Million Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Website,, Accessed 8/7/09)
CLAIM #81: Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) Claimed Stimulus Would Provide Help To “Every Sector Of Our Economy.” ―This economic crisis demands comprehensive action and this recovery package delivers relief to every sector of our economy to help families, create and save jobs, and invest in a 21st Century economy… We are making targeted investments in education and health care to ensure that American children can stay healthy and get the best education possible. We are also providing funding to local communities to put folks back to work modernizing our bridges, roads and schools. All of these investments will help reinvigorate the American economy so that we can compete and win in the global economy. (Rep. Charles Rangel, ―Congress Passes Economic Recovery Package, Press Release, 2/14/09)
REALITY: When Spending Stimulus Funds, States Ignoring “Most Economically Distressed Areas.” ―The report … by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) … says many states aren‘t meeting some goals and requirements of the economic recovery program. Some states, for example, are not sending transportation funding to the most economically distressed areas, and they are using education funds to prevent layoffs rather than fund innovative new programs, the report says. (Mark Kelley, ―Report: States Aren‘t Using Stimulus Funds As Intended, USA Today, 7/8/09)
CLAIM #82: Rep. Jason Altmire (D-PA) Claimed Stimulus Would Create Jobs, Get Economy Moving Again. ―[T]his economic recovery package will put people back to work and put money back in their pockets with a tax cut for 95 percent of working families in America. It will create jobs, get the economy moving again, and leave this country with items of lasting significance to show for it. (Rep. Jason Altmire, Congressional Record, 1/27/09, p. H569)
REALITY: Under Obama, Job Losses Now At Historic Highs. ―The cumulative job losses over the last six months have been greater than for any other half year period since World War II, including the military demobilization after the war. The job losses are also now equal to the net job gains over the previous nine years, making this the only recession since the Great Depression to wipe out all job growth from the previous expansion. (Mortimer Zuckerman, Op-Ed, ―The Economy Is Even Worse Than You Think, The Wall Street Journal, 7/14/09)
CLAIM #83: Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper (D-PA) Claimed Stimulus “Will Create And Save Jobs.” ―Today, I joined my colleagues in the House of Representatives and voted on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, legislation that will create and save jobs while investing in the future of our nation. (Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper, ―The American Recovery And Reinvestment Plan: Good For Pennsylvania, Press Release, 1/29/09)
REALITY: Under Obama, Job Losses Now At Historic Highs. ―The cumulative job losses over the last six months have been greater than for any other half year period since World War II, including the military demobilization after the war. The job losses are also now equal to the net job gains over the previous nine years, making this the only recession since the Great Depression to wipe out all job growth from the previous expansion. (Mortimer Zuckerman, Op-Ed, ―The Economy is Even
Worse Than You Think, The Wall Street Journal, 7/14/09)
CLAIM #84: Rep. Robert Brady (D-PA) Claimed Stimulus Would Create 143,000 Pennsylvania Jobs. ―It will create an estimated 143,000 jobs for Pennsylvania, including more than 7,000 jobs in the first district alone. (Rep. Robert Brady, ―Congress Passes American Recovery And Reinvestment Act Of 2009, Press Release, 2/18/09)
REALITY: Since The Signing Of The Stimulus Bill In February, Pennsylvania Has Lost Over 125,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #85: Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA) Claimed Stimulus Would Create 143,000 Pennsylvania Jobs. ―This legislation will begin to rebuild the economy and put Americans back to work (including 143,000 new jobs in Pennsylvania) during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. (Rep. Joe Sestak, ―Congressman Sestak Discusses Stimulus Bill With Main Line Chamber Of Commerce, Press Release, 2/18/09)
REALITY: Since The Signing Of The Stimulus Bill In February, Pennsylvania Has Lost Over 125,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #86: Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-PA) Claimed Stimulus Bill Would Create “Thousands Of Pennsylvania Jobs.” ―This urgent action will create and save thousands of Pennsylvania jobs, help businesses and prepare our students, families and workers for the future. (Rep. Patrick Murphy, ―Patrick Murphy Champions Bold Action To Help Families, Right Our Economic Course, Press Release, 1/27/09)
REALITY: Since The Signing Of The Stimulus Bill In February, Pennsylvania Has Lost Over 125,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #87: Rep. Mike Doyle (D-PA) Claimed Stimulus Would Help Millions Who Have Lost Their Jobs. ―This legislation will provide essential help to the millions of Americans who have lost their jobs or are at risk of losing their jobs, said Congressman Mike Doyle, who voted in support of H.R. 1. ―It will also put people back to work and promote the recovery of our economy by investing in our infrastructure and the new technologies that will produce the jobs of the future. (Rep. Mike Doyle, ―House Approves Economic Recovery Bill, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Signed, Pennsylvania’s Unemployment Rate Jumped From 7.5 Percent To 8.5 Percent. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #88: Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper (D-PA) Claimed Stimulus Would “Jump Start” Our Economy. ―[O]ne of the first acts of the 111th Congress was to enact the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, historic legislation to jump start our economy and create good-paying jobs. The Recovery Act money is being allocated at a pace of almost $1 billion a week. And I‘m pleased to say that we‘re already seeing positive effects of the Recovery Act in my district, Pennsylvania‘s Third. (Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper, Congressional Record, 6/4/09, p. H6160)
REALITY: Brookings’ Institution Scholar Says Stimulus Spending Too Slow. ―‗It‘s just taken too long to get it going,‘ said Barry Bosworth, a senior fellow in Brookings‘ economic studies program. He said the program, a mixture of discretionary spending, tax cuts and state aid, did little to boost business investment. (Joseph J. Schatz, ―Analysts Give Stimulus Mixed Review, Congressional Quarterly, 8/13/09)
CLAIM #89: Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) Asserted Stimulus Would “Jumpstart” Economy, Create Millions Of Jobs. ―The speed with which Congress, led by Speaker Pelosi, and President Obama have come together on this historic legislation demonstrates our unrelenting resolve to get Americans back to work and jumpstart our stalled economy as quickly as possible. The recovery bill will create millions of jobs, cut taxes for hard working families, provide basic necessities to families in need, and make investments necessary to transform our economy for the 21st Century. (Rep. Carolyn Maloney, ―Recovery Plan Creates Jobs, Helps Families In Need, Makes Investments For 21st Century In New York, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Stimulus Fails To Create Jobs Despite Obama Administration’s Predictions Of “Boom In Job Creation.” ―[T]wo of [Obama‘s] chief economic advisers, and leading proponents of a stimulus bill, predicted that the passage of a large economic-aid package would boost the economy and keep the unemployment rate below 8%. It hasn‘t quite worked out that way. Last month, the jobless rate in America hit 9.5%, the highest level it has reached since 1983 ... What has not come to pass, however, is the boom in job creation that Romer and Bernstein predicted. A little over a month ago, the Administration said the stimulus bill had created or saved 150,000 jobs. That‘s a far cry from the 3 million to 4 million jobs that Romer and Bernstein foresaw back in January. (Stephen Gandel, ―Obama‘s Stimulus Plan: Failing By Its Own Measure, Time, 7/14/09)
CLAIM #90: Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH) Claims Stimulus Has “Historic Degree Of Public Transparency.” ―The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provides strong oversight, an historic degree of public transparency, and includes no earmarks. (Rep. Carol Shea-Porter, ―Shea-Porter Votes In Favor Of Recovery Package, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Stimulus Funds Distributed Under “Process That Is Both Secretive And Susceptible To Political Influence.” “A sleepy Montana checkpoint along the Canadian border that sees about three travelers a day will get $15 million under President Barack Obama's economic stimulus plan. A government priority list ranked the project as marginal, but two powerful Democratic senators persuaded the administration to make it happen. Despite Obama's promises that the stimulus plan would be transparent and free of politics, the government is handing out $720 million for border upgrades under a process that is both secretive and susceptible to political influence. (Eileen Sullivan and Matt Apuzzo, ―AP Impact: Secret Process Benefits Pet Projects, The Associated Press, 8/26/09)
CLAIM #91: Rep. Jason Altmire (D-PA) Argued There Were “No Earmarks” In Stimulus. ―There are no earmarks in the bill. (Rep. Jason Altmire, Congressional Record, 2/28/09, p. H2821)
REALITY: Pelosi’s Mouse Receives Stimulus Funds. ―The tiny mouse that became a hotly disputed symbol of wasteful spending in the congressional debate over the $787 billion economic stimulus bill has returned to pester House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The Obama administration quietly announced last week that as much as $16.1 million from the stimulus program is going to save the San Francisco Bay area habitat of, among other things, the endangered salt marsh harvest mouse. (S.A. Miller, ―GOP Slams Stimulus Mouse Money, The Washington Times, 7/9/09)
CLAIM #92: Sen. Robert Casey (D-PA) Said Stimulus Would Help Families In Hardest Hit Areas. ―I voted for the recovery package to help President Obama‘s effort to get our economy out of the ditch, create jobs and aid those hardest hit by the economy. The package includes many components to accomplish these goals such as tax relief for working families, infrastructure investments, aid to states and additional unemployment insurance as well as other improvements like increased funding for law enforcement. (Sen. Robert Casey, ―Casey Statement On Senate Passage of Recovery Package, Press Release, 2/10/09)
REALITY: Hardest Hit States “Received Only A Few Of The Government's First Stimulus Contracts.” ―States hit hardest by the recession received only a few of the government's first stimulus contracts, even though the glut of new federal spending was meant to target places where the economic pain has been particularly severe. (Brad Heath, ―Stimulus Projects Bypass Hard-Hit States, USA Today, 5/27/09)
CLAIM #93: Rep. Jason Altmire (D-PA) Said Stimulus Would Be “Targeted.” ―[B]y passing a targeted and transparent economic recovery plan, we are taking the critical steps needed to put Americans back to work and revive our economy. (Rep. Jason Altmire, ―Economic Recovery Plan Will Create Jobs, Cut Taxes for Pennsylvania Families, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Stimulus Money Spent On Ramps In Areas With No Sidewalks Or Pedestrians. ―During the next 10 years, Pennsylvania will spend $820 million redoing 117,000 ramps statewide, many in suburban and rural counties where there are no sidewalks and no pedestrians. In Chester County, this translates to 1,612 curbs. The cost is $3,000 to $7,000 for each new ramp, though some are only a couple years old. More than a third of Chester County‘s federal stimulus transportation package will fund new curbs - $7.1 million - many on streets with no sidewalks that are rarely, if ever, used by pedestrian. The curbs are being fixed now because other projects the county desperately wants, such as widening six miles of Route 202 near Route 29 at the Great Valley Corporate Center, where 130,000 people are employed, can‘t get permits and PennDot approval in the four to six months required by the stimulus guidelines…In Philadelphia, $300 million will be spent to fix 20,000 curbs. (Karen Heller, ―Karen Heller: On Every Corner, A Federal Project At Your Expense, The Philadelphia Inquirer, 3/21/09)
CLAIM #94: Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) Claimed Stimulus Would Make “Critical Investments.” ―Congress acted today by passing an economic stimulus package that will create millions of new jobs, help American families, and make critical investments in our nation‘s infrastructure, education, health care system, science technology, and energy usage. (Rep. John Murtha, ―House Passes The Economic Stimulus Conference Report, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Murtha Pours Millions Of Stimulus Dollars Into Remote Airport Named For Him. ―‗[Murtha‘s] dumped in nearly $200 million into this project that has virtually no passengers. It‘s practically a museum piece,‘ said Steve Ellis with the Taxpayers for Common Sense ... He added, ‗when you see deadbeat airports getting cash so they can do their second runway, it really feeds cynicism around the country about the stimulus and about the projects.‘ (Jim Acosta and Janet
Rodriguez, ―Remote Murtha Airport Lands Big Bucks From Washington, CNN, 4/23/09)
CLAIM #95: Rep. Allyson Schwartz (D-PA) Claimed Stimulus Would Provide Relief To Families, Create Jobs. ―It was essential that we took action today. That is why we passed a bold, innovative recovery plan that will provide relief to families and business; create jobs; and lay the groundwork for future economic growth. (Rep. Allyson Schwartz, ―Schwartz Statement On American Recovery And Reinvestment Act, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Instead, Stimulus Funds Used To Create Signs Advertising Stimulus. ―PennDOT has spent $60,000 to create large green road signs telling motorists that funding was secured by the federal stimulus package ... The signs will cost about $2,000 each ... Lori Irving, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of Transportation, acknowledged the department strongly encouraged states to use stimulus funding to develop the signs ... ‗Personally I think it is ridiculous that any of the stimulus money is used by government entities to make signs,‘ said Mike Cupp of Morgantown, W.Va. … ‗Explain to me how that is stimulating?‘ (Salena Zito, ―Road Signs Eat Up Part Of Stimulus, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 7/20/09)
CLAIM #96: Rep. Christopher Carney (D-PA) Claimed Stimulus Bill Will “Make A Difference For Pennsylvania Families.” ―This will make a difference for our Pennsylvania families, our farmers, our roads and bridges, which is why I supported its passage. (Rep. Christopher Carney, ―Carney Supports Recovery And Reinvestment Act, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since The Signing Of The Stimulus Bill In February, Pennsylvania Has Lost Over 125,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #97: Rep. Mike Michaud (D-ME) Claimed Most Of Spending In Stimulus Is “Emergency In Nature.” ―Most of the spending in this bill is emergency in nature – our economy is truly struggling. (Rep. Mike Michaud, ―House Passes Economic Recovery Package Conference Report, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: As Of July, Only Small Fraction Of Stimulus Money Had Been Put To Use. ―Only about a tenth of the money has been spent so far, and only about half of it will have been spent by October 2010, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. (Kevin G. Hall and David Lightman, ―Did Team Obama Get It Wrong On The Stimulus? McClatchy, 7/7/09)
CLAIM #98: Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY) Claimed “Stimulus Bill Also Provides Unprecedented Accountability And Transparency.” (Jeff Murray, ―‗We Are Reacting To A Crisis‘, The Star Gazette, 2/20/09)
REALITY: No System In Place For Government To Report How Stimulus Money Is Spent. ―The report raises concerns about how states and the federal governments will report back on how the stimulus money is spent. The Office of Management and Budget has provided some guidance on how to report the information, but auditors suggest that the states will require more information. (Ed O‘Keefe, ―Eye Opener: Economic Stimulus Report, The Washington Post’s “Federal Eye” Blog, 7/8/09)
CLAIM #99: Rep. John Hall (D-NY) Claimed Stimulus Bill Has “Unprecedented Accountability And Transparency.” ―The final version of the legislation has unprecedented accountability and transparency measures to help ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely and effectively. (Rep. John Hall, ―House Passes Final Version Of Economic Recovery Package, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Transparency, Oversight Lacking When Keeping Track of Stimulus’ Effectiveness. ―The Government Accountability Office said in a report that increased transparency and better oversight is needed to track stimulus money being sent to state and local governments. The report noted that keeping track of stimulus money and effectiveness wasn‘t necessarily easy under the current methods. ‗Questions remained about how to count jobs and measure performance under Recovery Act-funded programs,‘ the report said. (Rich Edson and Joanna Ossinger, ―GAO: More Transparency Needed To Track Stimulus Money, Fox Business, 7/7/09)
CLAIM #100: Rep. Robert Brady (D-PA) Claimed Spending In Stimulus Bill Will Have “Unprecedented Level Of Accountability.” ―This spending will be accompanied by an unprecedented level of accountability to ensure that tax dollars are being used in the best way possible to stimulate the economy and help Americans through this crisis. President Obama has set up a website at, which will track where and how the recovery money is being spent. (Rep. Robert Brady, ―Congress Passes American Recovery And Reinvestment Act Of 2009, Press Release, 2/18/09)
REALITY: Transparency, Oversight Lacking When Keeping Track of Stimulus’ Effectiveness. ―The Government Accountability Office said in a report that increased transparency and better oversight is needed to track stimulus money being sent to state and local governments. The report noted that keeping track of stimulus money and effectiveness wasn‘t necessarily easy under the current methods. ‗Questions remained about how to count jobs and measure performance under Recovery Act-funded programs,‘ the report said. (Rich Edson and Joanna Ossinger, ―GAO: More Transparency Needed To Track Stimulus Money, Fox Business, 7/7/09)
CLAIM #101: Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) Said Stimulus Will Help Economy In Long Run. ―The economic recovery package provides a vital boost to our economy, while making a down-payment on our long-term needs. (Sen. Chris Dodd, ―Statement Of Senator Chris Dodd On Senate Passage Of The Economic Recovery Package, Press Release, 2/9/09)
REALITY: Economists Call Obama’s Predictions Of Long Term Economic Growth “Fantasy.” ―President Barack Obama‘s economic forecasts for long-term growth are too optimistic, many economists warn ... White House officials rebuff such suggestions, saying the midyear correction is precisely intended to keep their economic program reality based. But a series of POLITICO interviews in recent days with independent economists of varied political stripes found widespread disdain for Obama‘s first round of assumptions, with some experts invoking such phrases as ‗rosy‘ and ‗fantasy.‘ (Jeanne Cummings, ―Obama‘s Rosy Scenario Turns Thorny, Politico, 7/14/09)
CLAIM #102: Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) Claimed Stimulus Would Provide “Economic Boost.” ―This legislation involved compromises and difficult choices for everyone. And while this bill alone won‘t solve all the economic challenges we face, it will provide the economic boost we desperately need, through investments in our roads, highways and bridges; tax relief for middle class families and small businesses; and investments in clean energy and energy efficiency. These investments will not only create jobs in the short-term, they will also lay the groundwork for long-term economic growth. (Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, ―Shaheen: Recovery Package Will Boost Economy, Create New Hampshire Jobs, Press Release, 2/10/09)
REALITY: Local Governments Years Away From Feeling Effects Of Any Economic Recovery. ―Amy Liu, deputy director of Brookings‘ metropolitan policy program, said the ‗recovery is highly uneven around the country,‘ and noted that local governments, dependent on sales and property tax revenue, can be as much as two years behind the national economy in feeling the effect of a recovery. (Joseph J. Schatz, ―Analysts Give Stimulus Mixed Review, Congressional Quarterly,
CLAIM #103: Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) Said Stimulus Will Help Upstate New York. ―The Senate economic stimulus bill will be very good for Upstate New York. The Senate bill is a leaner, tougher bill that eliminates much of the pork in the House bill and focuses on the three main functions of the Obama stimulus package: creating jobs, cutting taxes for the middle class, and building a stronger, more viable infrastructure project. (Sen. Charles Schumer, ―Following Today‘s Senate Vote On Obama Stimulus Package: Schumer: Federal Economic Stimulus Package Will Be A Good Boost For Upstate New York - Senator Details Expected Impact On New York State, Press Release, 2/10/09)
REALITY: In June, Rochester, Syracuse and Buffalo Had Unemployment Rates At 8.4 Percent Or Higher, A Jump From 5.5 Percent A Year Ago. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #104: Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) Said Stimulus Would Immediately Create Jobs In Maryland. ―The bill passed by the Senate is timely. It will create jobs immediately in Maryland and across the country, helping our states and local communities by providing funding for ready-to-go projects, such as fixing crumbling roads and bridges. This bill is targeted. It puts money back in the pockets of Americans who are most likely to spend it, injecting needed capital into our economy. It helps people stay in their homes, keep their jobs, and take care of their families. It also invests in modernizing our rail and mass transit systems and allocates new funds for education, alternative energy, and health care technology, all of which will help create and save quality jobs in the short-term, but also will save us billions of dollars in the future through lower energy usage, lower health care costs, and a better trained workforce. (Sen. Ben Cardin, ―Cardin Praises Senate Passage Of The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act, Press Release, 2/10/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Signed In February, Maryland Has Lost Over 26,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #105: Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) Said Stimulus About “Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.” ―We have inherited a terrible mess. But the Senate has taken a major step forward to turn the country around by passing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. By standing with President Obama, we stand up for America to create jobs for people who have lost them and to help those who have jobs, keep them. This is about jobs, jobs, jobs. (Sen. Barbara Mikulski, ―Senator Mikulski Statement on Senate Passage of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Press Release, 2/10/09)
REALITY: Much Of Stimulus Spending Has Nothing To Do With Creating Jobs. ―For a start, too much of the money went to transfer payments such as Medicaid, jobless benefits and the like that do nothing for jobs and growth. The spending that creates new jobs is new spending, particularly on infrastructure. It amounts to less than 10% of the stimulus package today. (Mortimer Zuckerman, Op-Ed, ―The Economy is Even Worse Than You Think, The Wall Street Journal, 7/14/09)
CLAIM #106: Sen. Thomas Carper (D-DE) Claimed Thousands Of Jobs Will Be Created Or Saved In Delaware Because Of Stimulus. ―This bill is expected to create an estimated 3.5 million jobs by putting Americans to work to begin rebuilding our nation‘s crumbling infrastructure, mass transit and water and sewer systems, and rebuilding roads, bridges, ports, railways, waterways. Delaware stands to create or retain thousands jobs from this legislation. (Sen. Thomas Carper, ―Stimulus Package Will Create Jobs, Fund Critical Infrastructure Improvements, Press Release, 2/19/09)
REALITY: Delaware One Of Six States In June With Record Unemployment Rates. ―The states reaching record jobless rates in June were Georgia, Nevada, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Florida and Delaware. (Shobhana Chandra, ―Georgia, Alabama Top 10% Unemployment as Firings Gain, Bloomberg, 7/17/09)
CLAIM #107: Sen. Ted Kaufman (D-DE) Claimed Stimulus Would Be “Bold And Quick” In Creating Jobs. ―After a month where we lost 600,000 jobs – 20,000 per day – this economic recovery package delivers what we need: 3.5 million jobs. There is no higher priority than getting our citizens back to work. The American people are demanding bold and quick action, and today we delivered it. (Sen. Ted Kaufman, ―Statement on passage of economic recovery package, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Brookings’ Institution Scholar Says Stimulus Spending Too Slow. ―‘It‘s just taken too long to get it going,‘ said Barry Bosworth, a senior fellow in Brookings‘ economic studies program. He said the program, a mixture of discretionary spending, tax cuts and state aid, did little to boost business investment. (Joseph J. Schatz, ―Analysts Give Stimulus Mixed Review, Congressional Quarterly, 8/13/09)
CLAIM #108: Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC) Said Stimulus Would Make Positive Impacts In North Carolina. ―The impact of this measure in North Carolina will be huge, with resources available almost immediately for infrastructure projects and investments in green energy. 3 million workers in North Carolina will see their paychecks go further, and the state will receive vital funding to help close its budget gap and provide unemployment insurance to an additional 128,000 laid-off workers. (Sen. Kay Hagan, ―Economic Recovery Bill Will Create Or Save 105k Jobs In North Carolina, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed, Over 54,000 Jobs Have Been Lost In North Carolina. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #109: Rep. Larry Kissell (D-NC) Claimed “North Carolina Will Have Over 100,000 New Jobs Created.” ―I truly worry about our debt, and that makes it impossible for me to have supported the Reinvestment and Recovery Package unless I truly believed that it would bring jobs and needed infrastructure to North Carolina. North Carolina will have over 100,000 new jobs created, (Rep. Larry Kissell, ―This Week In Washington, Editorial, 2/19/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed, Over 54,000 Jobs Have Been Lost In North Carolina. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #110: Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-NC) Claimed Stimulus Would Create 105,000 Jobs In North Carolina. ―In North Carolina, 105,000 jobs would be created or saved, including 6,800 jobs in my congressional district. (Rep. G.K. Butterfield, ―Butterfield‘s Statement On Stimulus, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed, Over 54,000 Jobs Have Been Lost In North Carolina. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #111: Rep. John Tanner (D-TN) Claimed Stimulus Would Create Or Save More Than 63,000 Jobs In Tennessee. ―The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act addresses the immediate economic concerns of the American people and specifically Tennesseans. This legislation could create or save more than 63,000 jobs in our state by the end of next year, according to analysis from independent economist Mark Zandi of Moody‘s (Rep. John Tanner, Congressional Record, 1/28/09, p. H630)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus In February, Tennessee Has Lost Over 77,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #112: Rep. Lincoln Davis (D-TN) Claimed Stimulus Would “Save Or Create” 71,000 Jobs In Tennessee. ―Experts predict that the economic recovery package has the potential to save or create as many as 4 million jobs, including 71,000 jobs in Tennessee … (Rep. Lincoln Davis, ―Congress Passes Economic Recovery Package, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus In February, Tennessee Has Lost Over 77,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #113: Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) Argued Stimulus Would Achieve “Principle Goals Of Creating Jobs.” ―This stimulus is exactly what we need to be doing. I have been fighting for this infrastructure funding for many years. The bill may not win any popularity contests, but it‘s still the best idea for helping to mitigate this economic downturn. It achieves the principle goals of creating jobs, of helping to prevent painful and dangerous budget cuts at the state and local level, and of investing in the long-term growth of the U.S. economy. I unhesitatingly cast my vote in support of this measure. (Sen. Robert Byrd: ―Byrd Statement In Support Of American Recovery And Reinvestment Act, Press Release, 2/10/09)
REALITY: Much Of Stimulus Spending Has Nothing To Do With Creating Jobs. ―For a start, too much of the money went to transfer payments such as Medicaid, jobless benefits and the like that do nothing for jobs and growth. The spending that creates new jobs is new spending, particularly on infrastructure. It amounts to less than 10% of the stimulus package today. (Mortimer Zuckerman, Op-Ed, ―The Economy Is Even Worse Than You Think, The Wall Street Journal, 7/14/09)
CLAIM #114: Rep. Rick Boucher (D-VA) Claimed Stimulus Would Create Jobs In Short Term. ―By meeting the infrastructure needs of our communities, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will create jobs in the short term in our region as well as provide a solid foundation for long term economic growth in Southwest Virginia. (Rep. Rick Boucher, ―Boucher Priorities For 9th Included In Stimulus Legislation, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed In February, Nearly 25,000 Jobs Have Been Lost In Virginia. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #115: Rep. Travis Childers (D-MS) Claimed Stimulus Would “Impact” 30,000 Jobs Statewide. ―We cannot lose sight of the fact that this plan is about creating jobs … The recovery package is estimated to directly impact 30,000 jobs statewide, (Rep. Travis Childers, ―Congressman Travis Childers Votes To Create And Save 3.5 Million Jobs, Move Our Economy In A New Direction, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed In February, Mississippi Has Lost Nearly 40,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #116: Rep. Charlie Melancon (D-LA) Claimed Stimulus Bill Would Create Or Save 50,000 Jobs In Louisiana. ―This plan, while far from perfect, will create or save an estimated 50,000 jobs in Louisiana, invest over $538 million in infrastructure projects for our state, and lay a foundation for long-term growth for our country through innovation and education. This bill is the right thing to do for America‘s future, and I am proud to support it. (Rep. Charlie Melancon, ―Rep. Melancon Supports Economic Recovery Plan To Create And Save 50,000 Jobs In Louisiana, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus In February, Louisiana Has Lost Over 52,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #117: Rep. Vic Snyder (D-AR) Claimed Stimulus Would Create And Save Millions Of Jobs. ―This bill invests in infrastructure, job stability, energy efficiency, healthcare innovation, and education, which are necessary to strengthen our nation‘s economy. It creates and saves millions of jobs, provides immediate tax relief for American families, and lays the foundation for long-term economic growth. (Rep. Vic Snyder, ―Snyder Statement On American Recovery And Reinvestment Act Conference Report, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Signed Into Law, America Has Lost More Than 2.2 Million Jobs And Nearly 28,000 Have Been Lost In Arkansas. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #118: Rep. David Scott (D-GA) Claimed Stimulus Would Create Over 100,000 Jobs In Georgia. ―The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will stimulate the economy by investing in transportation, schools, health care and other fundamental community needs. It is estimated by the Council of Economic Advisors that over 100,000 jobs will be created in Georgia, and over 9,000 will be created in my district, from these critical investments. (Rep. David Scott, ―Congressman David Scott Votes To Help Grow The Economy, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus In February, Georgia Has Lost Over 93,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #119: Rep. John Barrow (D-GA) Claimed Stimulus Bill Will “Get Us Started On The Road To Economic Recovery Right Away.” ―Too many folks in the 12th District [GA-12] need jobs, and this bill will create jobs … This bill will get us started on the road to economic recovery right away, and that‘s what‘s necessary right now. (Rep. John Barrow, ―Barrow Backs Recovery And Reinvestment Plan, Press Release, 1/28/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus In February, Georgia Has Lost Over 93,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #120: Rep. Mike Ross (D-AR) Claimed Stimulus Would “Provide A Shot-In-The-Arm Boost.” ―I believe this job creation bill will help provide a shot-in-the-arm boost our economy needs to turn the country around. (Rep. Mike Ross, ―Ross: Job Creation Bill Necessary To Avoid Economic Collapse, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Under Obama, Job Losses Now At Historic Highs. ―The cumulative job losses over the last six months have been greater than for any other half year period since World War II, including the military demobilization after the war. The job losses are also now equal to the net job gains over the previous nine years, making this the only recession since the Great Depression to wipe out all job growth from the previous expansion. (Mortimer Zuckerman, Op-Ed, ―The Economy Is Even Worse Than You Think, The Wall Street Journal, 7/14/09)
CLAIM #121: Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) Claimed Stimulus Would Rebuild Roads And Bridges. ―I voted for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act because I believe it will create jobs, rebuild roads and bridges and help families get through this tough time by keeping more of their paychecks and continuing their access to health care. We need to act boldly if we are going to jumpstart this failing economy and deliver solutions that work for West Virginia families. (Sen. Jay Rockefeller, ―Rockefeller Votes For Recovery And Reinvestment Act, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Construction Industry Disappointed With Low Amount Of Stimulus Funds For Roads, Leading To Very Few Jobs Actually Being Created. ―Much of the $787 billion in a federal program to spur the economy was supposed to pour like mixed concrete onto American roads, bridges, and construction sites. So far, though, the amount of money funneling into US construction zones is less than expected. ... Judging by a survey within the trade association, Sandherr says, relatively few new jobs are being created by the stimulus. (Mark Trumbull, ―Contractors Say Stimulus Has Been Slow To Kick In, The Christian Science Monitor, 7/30/09)
CLAIM #122: Rep. Suzanne Kosmas (D-FL) Claimed “Recovery Package Will Provide A Short-Term Boost To Florida’s Economy.” ―‗We must take action now to jump-start our economy and create and protect jobs in Florida and across the country,‘ said Congresswoman Kosmas. ‗The recovery package will provide a short-term boost to Florida‘s economy with targeted investments and tax cuts for middle-class families and small businesses.‘ (Rep. Suzanne Kosmas, ―Congresswoman Kosmas Joins President Obama At Town Hall To Discuss Recovery Package, Press Release, 2/10/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus In February, Florida Has Lost Over 171,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #123: Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR) Said Stimulus Would Provide “Jolt To Our Economy.” ―This recovery package gets the wheels of our economy turning again. It places a much-needed emphasis on lifting up rural states like Arkansas by funding infrastructure projects involving our transportation, water, energy and broadband needs. Provisions in this bill also provide a lifeboat for individuals struggling in today‘s economy. While not perfect, the overall bill offers a balanced mix of tax cuts and investments. I‘m optimistic it will provide the jolt to our economy that we need now and for the future. (Sen. Mark Pryor, ―Statement By Senator Mark Pryor In Support Of The Economic Recovery Package, Press Release, 2/10/09)
REALITY: Americans Remaining Unemployed For Unprecedented Periods Of Time. ―[T]he rolls of the long-term unemployed are growing, with 29 percent of the jobless out of work for more than 26 weeks, the most since records began in 1948. (Matthew Benjamin And Alison Sider, ―Obama Stimulus Fails To Reboot Economy As No Multiplier Effect, Bloomberg, 7/17/09)
CLAIM #124: Rep. John Tanner (D-TN) Claimed Stimulus Would Address “Immediate Economic Concerns” Of Tennesseans. ―The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act addresses the immediate economic concerns of the American people and specifically Tennesseans. (Rep. John Tanner, ―Tanner Votes For Job Creation In Tennessee, Press Release, 1/28/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed In February, Unemployment In Tennessee Has Increased By Nearly 18 Percent. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, 8/24/09)
CLAIM #125: Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) Said Stimulus Would Help Businesses “Expand And Invest In The United States.” ―I am very encouraged that the Senate overcame the partisanship that was threatening quick passage of the nation‘s Economic Stimulus Package. We are on track to direct sorely needed cash to American taxpayers and to encourage businesses to expand and invest in the United States. (Sen. Mary Landrieu, ―Senate Passes Bipartisan Economic Stimulus That Helps Seniors And Veterans, Press Release, 2/7/09)
REALITY: Recently Distributed Stimulus Funds Going To Foreign Corporations Creating Jobs Overseas. ―Nearly half of the $2.4 billion in federal grant money awarded Wednesday to stimulate the U.S. economy and boost the production of hybrid and electric vehicles went to six companies with ties to places as far away as Russia, China, South Korea and France. ... But because so few American companies have the necessary technology, much of the money will initially go toward manufacturing electric vehicle batteries overseas. (Jerry Seper, ―Obama Sends Stimulus Aid To Foreign Firms, The Washington Times, 8/6/09)
CLAIM #126: Rep. Tom Perriello (D-VA) Said Transparency In Stimulus “Unprecedented.” ―Where before we saw blank-check bailouts, we now see unprecedented transparency and accountability. (Rep. Tom Perriello, “Perriello Statement On The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act, Press Release, 1/28/09)
REALITY: GAO Reports Transparency, Oversight Lacking. ―The Government Accountability Office said in a report that increased transparency and better oversight is needed to track stimulus money being sent to state and local governments. The report noted that keeping track of stimulus money and effectiveness wasn‘t necessarily easy under the current methods. ‗Questions remained about how to count jobs and measure performance under Recovery Act-funded programs,‘ the report said. (Rich Edson and Joanna Ossinger, ―GAO: More Transparency Needed to Track Stimulus Money, Fox Business, 7/7/09)
CLAIM #127: Rep. Ben Chandler (D-KY) Claimed Stimulus Bill “Contains Significant Oversight.” ―[O]ur country is facing an economic crisis, and I believe that this package is emergency aid that has been composed responsibly, contains significant oversight, and is a necessary step to boost our economy. (Rep. Ben Chandler, ―Chandler‘s Education Bill Included In The Economic Recovery Package, Press Release, 1/15/09)
REALITY: No System In Place For Government To Report How Stimulus Money Is Spent. ―The report raises concerns about how states and the federal governments will report back on how the stimulus money is spent. The Office of Management and Budget has provided some guidance on how to report the information, but auditors suggest that the states will require more information.(Ed O‘Keefe, ―Eye Opener: Economic Stimulus Report, The Washington Post’s ―Federal Eye Blog, 7/8/09)
CLAIM #128: Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) Said Stimulus Would “Provide Immediate Job Creation.” ―This bill accomplishes what we set out to do—rebuild our economy and put Americans back to work…it is a significant jumpstart that our economy needs. It includes investments in Ohio‘s infrastructure which will provide immediate job creation (Sen. Sherrod Brown, ―Brown Statement On Senate Passage Of Economic Recovery Bill, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: In July, Ohio’s Unemployment Reached 11.2 Percent, Up From 9.5 Percent In February. (Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #129: Rep. John Boccieri (D-OH) Said Stimulus “Is About Creating Jobs.” ―This bill is about creating jobs. It‘s about investing in our people, our country, and our future. (Rep. John Boccieri, ―House Passes Economic Recovery Package, Press Release, 2/25/09)
REALITY: Much Of Spending Under Stimulus Has Nothing To Do With Creating Jobs. ―Unemployment has doubled to 9.5% from 4.8% in only 16 months ... How could this happen when Washington has thrown trillions of dollars into the pot, including the famous $787 billion in stimulus spending that was supposed to yield $1.50 in growth for every dollar spent? For a start, too much of the money went to transfer payments such as Medicaid, jobless benefits and the like that do nothing for jobs and growth. The spending that creates new jobs is new spending, particularly on infrastructure. It amounts to less than 10% of the stimulus package today. (Mortimer Zuckerman, OpEd, ―The Economy is Even Worse Than You Think, The Wall Street Journal, 7/14/09)
CLAIM #130: Rep. Steve Driehaus (D-OH) Claimed Stimulus “Will Save And Create Jobs In Cincinnati.” ―Just a few days after the President signed the recovery legislation into law, we already see critical funding flowing into our community. This investment is going to help us start to repair and rebuild our crumbling infrastructure, and it will save and create jobs in Cincinnati. This is a good first step on our long path toward recovery. (Rep. Steve Driehaus, ―Representative Driehaus Announces More Than $30 Million In Transportation Funding For Greater Cincinnati, Press Release, 3/6/09)
REALITY: When Stimulus Was Signed In February, Unemployment Rate In CincinnatiMiddletown Was 8.9 Percent As Of June; Unemployment Rate In Cincinnati-Middletown At 10.1 Percent. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/18/09)
CLAIM #131: Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH) Claimed Stimulus Would “Offer Much Needed Relief,” Create Jobs. ―The American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan will offer much needed relief to millions of working families and unemployed workers who have been hurt by the economic downturn. It will also provide incentives for businesses to grow and create new jobs. (Rep. Marcia Fudge, ―Rep. Fudge Passes Historic Economic Recovery Plan, Press Release, 1/28/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus In February, Ohio Has Lost Nearly 145,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #132: Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) Claimed Stimulus Bill Would Create Private Sector Jobs. ―The [Stimulus] bill will invest in education, rebuild our nation‘s roads, bridges and waterways, create private sector jobs, help workers who have been hurt by this economy and create a tax break for 95% of all Americans. (Rep. Tim Ryan, ―Congressman Tim Ryan Votes For American Recovery And Reinvestment Act, Press Release, 1/28/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus In February, Ohio Has Lost Nearly 145,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #133: Rep. Betty Sutton (D-OH) Claimed Stimulus About Putting “People Back To Work.” ―The Recovery and Reinvestment Act is simple - it is about putting our people back to work and reinvigorating our economy. … Today‘s legislation is expected to save or create 133,000 jobs throughout Ohio, (Rep. Betty Sutton, ―Congresswoman Sutton Votes To Strengthen American Economy, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Stimulus Money Used To Prop Up State Government Spending. ―The report says that as of mid-June, states had received about $29 billion of the estimated $49 billion in stimulus funding they are scheduled to get before the federal budget year ends Sept. 30. More than 90% of the money given to the states so far is for Medicaid and a fund meant to prop up states‘ budgets for schools and other basic services such as public safety. (―Stimulus Reaching U.S. States Faster Than Expected – GAO, Reuters, 7/7/09)
CLAIM #134: Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy (D-OH) Claimed Stimulus Would “Create Or Save 133,000 Jobs In Ohio.” ―Congresswoman Mary Jo Kilroy called her vote for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act a victory for central Ohio families struggling in this economic crisis and worried about their future security. The plan will cut taxes for 95 percent of Americans and create or save 133,000 jobs in Ohio, while modernizing schools, upgrading roads and creating infrastructure. (Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy, ―Kilroy Votes To Pass Historic Recovery, Reinvestment Package, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus In February, Ohio Has Lost Nearly 145,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #135: Sen. Tim Johnson (D-SD) Said Providing Local Communities With Stimulus Funds Would Create Jobs. ―We have been careful to create a responsible bill that highlights transparency. Our goal is to focus on tax cuts for America‘s working families, infrastructure investments and job creation. Getting money back to the states and local communities will spur development and put people back to work. (Sen. Tim Johnson, ―Bipartisan Stimulus Plan Set To Pass The Senate, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus In February, South Dakota Has Lost Over 1,500 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/29/09)
CLAIM #136: Rep. Earl Pomeroy (D-ND) Claimed Stimulus Would Create Or Save 8,000 Jobs For North Dakota. ―Congressman Earl Pomeroy today hailed the House‘s passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, calling the bill a necessary step to help get our economy back on track and prevent the situation from getting dramatically worse. This bill will provide a strong boost to North Dakota‘s economy by saving and creating over 8,000 jobs in the state. (Rep. Earl Pomeroy, ―Pomeroy Hails House Passage Of Recovery Bill To Help Stimulate North Dakota‘s Economy, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus In February, North Dakota Has Lost Over 6,100 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #137: Rep. Mark Schauer (D-MI) Claimed Stimulus “Will Create 109,000 Much-Needed Michigan Jobs.” ―At a time when our county is facing the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, this bill will create 109,000 much-needed Michigan jobs … This recovery package is the jumpstart we need to get our economy moving again and put people back to work. (Rep. Mark Schauer, “Schauer Comments On Recovery Package Conference Report, Final Approval Expected Tomorrow, Press Release, 2/12/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus In February, Michigan Has Lost Over 140,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #138: Rep. Leonard Boswell (D-IA) Said Stimulus Would Create 37,000 Jobs In Iowa. ―The bottom line regarding the stimulus package is simple: will we take action to create jobs and make investments necessary to move our economy forward, or will we sit on the sidelines and just hope for the best? I choose action. I choose creating an estimated 37,000 jobs in the state of Iowa. (Rep. Leonard Boswell, ―Statement Of Congressman Leonard Boswell On House Passage Of The Conference Report To H.R. 1, The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus In February, Iowa Has Lost Over 17,400 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #139: Rep. Jim Oberstar (D-MN) Claimed Stimulus Would Create One Million New Jobs By June. ―First and foremost, this is a jobs bill. It will put Americans to work at jobs that pay a living wage; by this June, we could see as many as one million new jobs nationwide. (Rep. Jim Oberstar, ―Recovery Bill Expected To Become Law Monday, Press Release, 2/12/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed In February, More Than 2.2 Million Jobs Have Been Lost. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, 8/18/09)
CLAIM #140: Rep. Mark Schauer (D-MI) Claimed Stimulus Would Create 109,000 Jobs In Michigan. ―At a time when our county is facing the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, this bill will create 109,000 much-needed Michigan jobs and at least 7,900 jobs right here in the 7th district… This recovery package is the jumpstart we need to get our economy moving again and put people back to work. Doing nothing is not an option. (Rep. Mark Schauer, ―Schauer Comments On Recovery Package Conference Report, Final Approval Expected Tomorrow, Press Release, 2/12/09)
REALITY: No Other State Losing Jobs As Quickly As Michigan. ―If you want to see economic stress, come to Michigan. Foreclosures remain stubbornly high, budget shortfalls are forcing state workers to take unpaid days off and thousands of workers tied to the domestic automakers are anxious about how they‘ll fare with the refashioned Chrysler LLC and General Motors Corp. out of bankruptcy … ‗No other state has lost as many jobs, and lost them so quickly and apparently so permanently,‘ says East Lansing economist Patrick Anderson, who doesn‘t see Michigan‘s economy turning around until employment begins to rise. (Kathy Barks Hoffman, ―Michigan 2nd-Worst State On Economic Stress Index, The Associated Press, 7/27/09)
CLAIM #141: Rep. Gary Peters (D-MI) Claimed Stimulus Would Provide “Over 100,000 Michigan Jobs.” ―This plan will mean over 100,000 more Michigan jobs, tax breaks for businesses and four million Michigan residents and long-overdue investments in our roads and schools. (Rep. Gary Peters, ―Congressman Gary Peters Statement On Signing Of American Recovery And Reinvestment Act, Press Release, 2/17/09)
REALITY: In June, Michigan Became First State In Last Quarter-Century To Reach 15 Percent Unemployment. ―Michigan became the first state in 25 years to suffer an unemployment rate exceeding 15%, according to a report released Friday by the Labor Department. (―Michigan Unemployment Tops 15%,, 7/17/09)
CLAIM #142: Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) Claimed Stimulus Would Create 109,000 Jobs In Michagan. ―This package is expected to provide 109,000 jobs to the state of Michigan – over 13,000 of which will be located in Detroit. If the Senate acts soon, we can begin to mitigate the job losses currently occurring in my district and jump start the process of fully employing the Motor City. (Rep. John Conyers, ―Conyers Applauds Passage Of First Step In Economic Recovery; Agrees With White House That Foreclosure Prevention Must Come Next, Press Release, 2/17/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed February, Unemployment In Michigan Has Increased By Over 25 Percent. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, 8/24/09)
CLAIM #143: Rep. Joe Donnelly (D-IN) Claimed Stimulus Bill Would Create 75,000 Jobs In Indiana. ―The compromise package of $789 billion will create or save 3.5 million jobs—75,000 in Indiana and 7,900 in north central Indiana. (Rep. Joe Donnelly, ―Congressman Donnelly Lauds Passage Of Recovery And Reinvestment Plan,” Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus In February, Indiana Has Lost Over 113,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #144: Rep. Debbie Halvorson (D-IL) Said Stimulus Would Create New Jobs In America. ―It‘s clear to me we needed to act right now. We must create new jobs and grow our economy. This package will do exactly that by saving and creating over three million jobs across America. (Rep. Debbie Halvorson, ―Halvorson Votes ‗YES‘ to Save And Create Jobs, Begin Long-Term Economic Recovery, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus, There Have Been Over 2.2 Million Jobs Lost Nationwide. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/12/09)
CLAIM #145: Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) Claimed “We Passed The Economic Recovery Act To Put People Back To Work And Bring Jobs To Americans Across The Country.” (Sen. Claire McCaskill, ―McCaskill Grant Announcement:$45 Million in Recovery Act Grant Funding Coming to Missouri, Press Release, 2/26/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Bill Was Signed In February, America Has Lost More Than 2.2 Million Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Website,, Accessed 8/7/09)
CLAIM #146: Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-MO) Claimed “This Jobs And Recovery Plan Will Create Or Save 69,000 Jobs In Missouri” (Rep. Russ Carnahan, ―Carnahan Votes To Put Americans Back To Work, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Signed In February, Missouri Has Lost Over 44,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/29/09)
CLAIM #147: Sen. Kent Conrad (D-ND) Claimed Stimulus Would “Jumpstart Economic Growth.” ―We must take quick and responsible action to prevent this crisis from worsening. This bipartisan bill features tax cuts and targeted investments that will create jobs and jumpstart economic growth. (Sen. Kent Conrad, ―Statement From Senator Kent Conrad On Final Passage Of American Recovery And Reinvestment Act of 2009, Press Release, 2/14/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus, There Have Been Over 2.2 Million Jobs Lost Nationwide. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #148: Rep. Zack Space (D-OH) Claimed Stimulus Would Provide Relief For His Ohio Constituents. ―I hear from constituents every day who are suffering through job losses and foreclosures. This bill will bring them some relief. (Rep. Zack Space, ―House Passes Historic Recovery Bill, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed In February, Unemployment In Ohio Has Increased By Over 17 Percent. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, 8/24/09) CLAIM #149: Rep. Steve Kagen (D-WI) Claimed Stimulus Would “Jumpstart” Economy. ―Our goal was to act swiftly to jumpstart our economy and create jobs and I am proud to say that that process has begun, (Rep. Steve Kagen, ―Kagen Announces First Allocation Of Recovery Act Funding, Press Release, 2/28/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Passed, More Than 76,000 Jobs Have Been Lost In Wisconsin. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, 8/24/09)
CLAIM #150: Rep. Dennis Moore (D-KS) Claimed Stimulus Would “Provide Both Quick Relief And A Substantial Boost.” ―[T]he mix of tax cuts and investments in the recovery package is designed to provide both quick relief and a substantial boost to our struggling economy. (Rep. Dennis Moore, ―Moore Supports Economic Recovery Bill, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Brookings’ Institution Scholar Says Stimulus Spending Too Slow. ―‗It‘s just taken too long to get it going,‘ said Barry Bosworth, a senior fellow in Brookings‘ economic studies program. He said the program, a mixture of discretionary spending, tax cuts and state aid, did little to boost business investment. (Joseph J. Schatz, ―Analysts Give Stimulus Mixed Review, Congressional Quarterly, 8/13/09)
CLAIM #151: Rep. Tim Walz (D-MN) Claimed Stimulus “Staunched The Bleeding Of Jobs.” ―President Obama issued a call for action from this Nation. He clearly laid out the economic situation that we are in right now, but, more importantly, he laid out a plan for growth, a plan that started a week ago with the passage of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act. What it did was it staunched the bleeding of jobs … (Rep. Tim Walz, Congressional Record, 2/25/09, p. H2634)
REALITY: Under Obama, Job Losses Now At Historic Highs. ―The cumulative job losses over the last six months have been greater than for any other half year period since World War II, including the military demobilization after the war. The job losses are also now equal to the net job gains over the previous nine years, making this the only recession since the Great Depression to wipe out all job growth from the previous expansion. (Mortimer Zuckerman, Op-Ed, ―The Economy Is Even
Worse Than You Think, The Wall Street Journal, 7/14/09)
CLAIM #152: Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick (D-MI) Ensured Stimulus Funds Would Be Spent Wisely. ―The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act includes no earmarked projects and unprecedented accountability and transparency measures to help ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely and effectively. Americans can track investments at a new Website, (Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick, ―Congresswoman Kilpatrick Supports Passage Of Historic Stimulus Package, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Stimulus Money Being Wasted On Roads That Don’t Need Repairs. ―Tens of thousands of unsafe or decaying bridges carrying 100 million drivers a day must wait for repairs because states are spending stimulus money on spans that are already in good shape or on easier projects like repaving roads ... In all, 1,286 deficient or obsolete bridges are expected to share $2.2 billion in stimulus money for repairs, the AP analysis shows. But that‘s less than 1 percent of the more than 150,000 bridges nationwide that engineers have labeled deficient or obsolete. Of those, more than 39,000 are considered the worst, rated poor in at least one structural component and eligible to be replaced with federal money. (Brett J. Blackledge and Matt Apuzzo, ―Stimulus Cash Not Fixing Dangerous Bridges, The Associated Press, 7/31/09)
CLAIM #153: Rep. Dennis Moore (D-KS) Said Stimulus Funds Would Be “Invested Effectively … As Possible.” ―[W]ith the strong transparency and accountability provisions included in the bill, we will ensure that taxpayer dollars are invested effectively, efficiently and as quickly as possible. (Rep. Dennis Moore, ―Moore Supports Economic Recovery Bill, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Hard Hit Areas Not Receiving Funds Despite Requirements In Stimulus Package. ―Under the Obama administration‘s economic stimulus plan, needy communities were supposed to be a priority when doling out money to rebuild highways and jump-start the economy. It hasn‘t worked out that way. The rules required that states give priority to counties considered ‗economically distressed.‘ Yet less than half the federal highway money announced so far is directed toward those high-unemployment, low-income areas according to an Associated Press analysis of more than $16 billion in spending announced by the U.S. Transportation Department. (April Castro, ―Stimulus Watch: Neediest Areas Not First For Money, The Associated Press, 7/19/09)
CLAIM #154: Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) Said Stimulus Would Address “Urgent Infrastructure” Needs. ―This bill, while far from perfect, offers a chance to turn our economy around while addressing our country‘s urgent infrastructure and energy challenges. While it will take time for the plan to yield benefits, I will work with both the state and federal government to make sure that this funding is used as effectively as possible. (Sen. Russ Feingold, ―Feingold Supports Final Passage Of The Economic Recovery Package, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: But Stimulus Money Skipping “Unsafe Or Decaying Bridges” For “Spans That Are Already In Good Shape.” ―Tens of thousands of unsafe or decaying bridges carrying 100 million drivers a day must wait for repairs because states are spending stimulus money on spans that are already in good shape or on easier projects like repaving roads ... In all, 1,286 deficient or obsolete bridges are expected to share $2.2 billion in stimulus money for repairs, the AP analysis shows. But that‘s less than 1 percent of the more than 150,000 bridges nationwide that engineers have labeled deficient or obsolete. Of those, more than 39,000 are considered the worst, rated poor in at least one structural component and eligible to be replaced with federal money.(Brett J. Blackledge and Matt Apuzzo, ―Stimulus Cash Not Fixing Dangerous Bridges, The Associated Press, 7/31/09)
CLAIM #155: Sen. Herb Kohl (D-WI) Said Stimulus Would Help Hard-Hit Families. ―This bill provides both a short term boost for struggling families across the nation and tools for a more sustained, longer term recovery. We need to set the stage for recovery, knowing that it will be a multi-year process. (Sen. Herb Kohl, ―Kohl Secures Boosts For Nutrition, Rural Area Resources In Senate Stimulus Bill, Press Release, 2/10/09)
REALITY: “53 Percent Of The Money Is Going To Counties That Don’t Meet The Federal Standard Of Economically Distressed Areas.” (April Castro, ―Stimulus Watch: Neediest Areas Not First For Money, The Associated Press, 7/19/09)
CLAIM #156: Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) Said Stimulus Would “Make Critical Investments In Our Roads, Bridges And Highways.” ―The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will jumpstart our economy in the near term while also building the foundation for longer-term prosperity… It will create millions of jobs and make critical investments in our roads, bridges and highways, in renewable, homegrown sources of energy and in our high-speed Internet infrastructure. (Sen. Amy Klobuchar, ―Klobuchar Votes for Economic Recovery Plan That Will Create Jobs, Provide Relief To Middle-Class Families And Get Our Economy Moving, Press Release, 2/17/09)
REALITY: Construction Industry Disappointed With Low Amount Of Stimulus Funds For Roads, Leading To Very Few Jobs Actually Being Created. ―Much of the $787 billion in a federal program to spur the economy was supposed to pour like mixed concrete onto American roads, bridges, and construction sites. So far, though, the amount of money funneling into US construction zones is less than expected. ... Judging by a survey within the trade association, Sandherr says, relatively few new jobs are being created by the stimulus. (Mark Trumbull, ―Contractors Say Stimulus Has Been Slow to Kick In, The Christian Science Monitor, 7/30/09)
CLAIM #157: Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (D-SD) Said Stimulus Would Help Stimulate Economy Through Infrastructure. ―[T]his bill will have a strongly stimulative effect on our economy through tax cuts, job creation and infrastructure investment. (Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, ―Herseth Sandlin Supports Recovery And Reinvestment Act, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Infrastructure Projects Receiving Very Small Percentage of Stimulus Funds. ―According to the report, 90% of the money distributed has come in the form of increased federal education and health-care grants to state governments. This money has helped many state governments to partially offset budget shortfalls. A much smaller portion has been spent on transportation infrastructure projects, the GAO said. (Corey Boles, ―Flow of Stimulus Funds Slightly Exceeds Forecast, The Wall Street Journal, 7/8/09)
CLAIM #158: Rep. Debbie Halvorson (D-IL) Claimed Stimulus Would Invest In Infrastructure, Schools, Energy, Technology And Small Businesses. ―It‘s critical that we invest in American infrastructure, including schools, energy, technology and small businesses. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will do exactly that. (Rep. Debbie Halvorson, Congressional Record, 1/27/09, p. H578)
REALITY: Instead, Stimulus Money Used To Prop Up State Government Spending. ―The report says that as of mid-June, states had received about $29 billion of the estimated $49 billion in stimulus funding they are scheduled to get before the federal budget year ends Sept. 30. More than 90% of the money given to the states so far is for Medicaid and a fund meant to prop up states‘ budgets for schools and other basic services such as public safety. (―Stimulus Reaching U.S. States Faster Than Expected – GAO, Reuters, 7/7/09)
CLAIM #159: Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI) Said Stimulus Would “Provide Targeted Support For Areas Like Education.” ―This package is a good balance for Michigan: immediate economic assistance for families, quick job creation, targeted support for areas like education and health care key to the fabric of families and communities, and investments in energy and advanced automotive technologies. (Rep. Sander Levin, ―Recovery Package To Provide Major Benefits To Michigan, Press Release, 2/12/09)
REALITY: Stimulus Funds Spent On Short Term State Budget Deficits Instead Of Education Investments. ―But investigators found repeated examples in which, either out of desperation or convenience, states favored short-term spending over long-term efforts such as education reform … In Flint, Mich., for example, new schools haven‘t been built in 30 years but the school superintendent told auditors that he would use federal money to cope with budget deficits rather than building new schools or paying for early childhood education. (Kimberly Hefling, ―Audit Finds States Using Stimulus To Stay Afloat, The Associated Press, 7/7/09)
CLAIM #160: Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick (D-MI) Claimed Stimulus Would “Bring Jobs, Relief, And Hope To Michigan’s Families.” ―This economic recovery plan will provide a foundation for economic security and stability by creating three to four million jobs and preparing our country for the 21st Century through targeted, timely investments in clean energy, innovation, and education… The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will bring jobs, relief, and hope to Michigan‘s families. (Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick, ―Congresswoman Kilpatrick Supports Passage Of Historic Stimulus Package, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: In June, Michigan Became First State In Last Quarter-Century To Reach 15 Percent Unemployment. ―Michigan became the first state in 25 years to suffer an unemployment rate exceeding 15%, according to a report released Friday by the Labor Department. (―Michigan Unemployment Tops 15%,, 7/17/09)
CLAIM #161: Rep. Tim Walz (D-MN) Claimed Stimulus Would Turn Recession Around. ―[T]he 3.5 million Americans whose livelihood relies on the jobs this bill will create and save certainly don‘t want to see us let the perfect get in the way of the good. We‘re committed to turning this recession around and the recovery package is the first step. (Rep. Tim Walz, ―Walz Will Vote To Create Or Save 3.5 Million Jobs Through Recovery Act, Press Release, 2/12/09)
REALITY: Former Clinton Secretary Of Labor Says “There’s No Evidence That This Economy Is Doing Much Better.” ROBERT REICH: ―Anybody who says we‘re out of the woods or moving out of the woods has got to be lost at sea. I mean there‘s no evidence that this economy is doing much better. The best that can be said is that we‘re getting worse more slowly, and that is a small consolation for people who are losing their jobs. (ABC News‘ ―This Week, 8/23/09)
CLAIM #162: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) Said Stimulus Would Create 396,000 Jobs In California. The Stimulus Will Create Up To 396,000 Jobs In California. ―Once this bill is enacted, California will gain substantial revenue and be able to move these revenues directly into job production. The White House has estimated that the bill could create as many as 396,000 jobs in California. So, this would be a big boost for our State. (Sen. Dianne Feinstein, ―Senator Feinstein Outlines Funding Details For California Included In Economic Recovery Package Conference Report, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed In February, Nearly 360,000 Jobs Have Been Lost In California. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #163: Rep. Jerry McNerney (D-CA) Claimed “Economic Recovery Package Is About Getting People Back To Work.” (Rep. Jerry McNerney, ―McNerney Supports The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: California Is One Of Six States With Unemployment Above 11.5 Percent. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #164: Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) Claimed Stimulus Would “Help Free Us From Our Dependency On Foreign Oil.” ―Not only will this bill create green jobs that our economy needs today, but it will also enhance the long-term security and sustainability of our economy by investing in a smart-energy future that helps free us from our dependency on foreign oil. (Rep. Mike Thompson, Congressional Record, 1/27/09, p. H563)
REALITY: Recently Distributed Stimulus Funds Going To Foreign Corporations Creating Jobs Overseas. ―Nearly half of the $2.4 billion in federal grant money awarded Wednesday to stimulate the U.S. economy and boost the production of hybrid and electric vehicles went to six companies with ties to places as far away as Russia, China, South Korea and France. ... But because so few American companies have the necessary technology, much of the money will initially go toward manufacturing electric vehicle batteries overseas. (Jerry Seper, ―Obama Sends Stimulus Aid To Foreign Firms, The Washington Times, 8/6/09)
CLAIM #165: Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) Claimed Stimulus Would Create Nearly 400,000 Jobs In California. ―Although this package is not perfect, I am pleased that the H.R. 1 Conference Report provides increased funding for several critical infrastructure projects that will fund the creation of new jobs and help states and municipalities complete long-overdue projects… This funding will help create nearly 400,000 new jobs in the state and 6,900 jobs in California‘s 47th Congressional District. (Rep. Loretta Sanchez, ―Rep. Loretta Sanchez Supports Passage Of Critical Economic Recovery Legislation, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed In February, Nearly 360,000 Jobs Have Been Lost In California. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #166: Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) Claimed “Economic Recovery Package That We Passed Will Put People Back To Work.” (Rep. Maxine Waters, ―Congresswoman Waters Hosts Roundtable on Economic Recovery in 35th District, Press Release, 2/19/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed In February, Nearly 360,000 Jobs Have Been Lost In California. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #167: Rep. Joe Baca (D-CA) Claimed Stimulus Would Create Or Save Hundreds Of Thousands Of Jobs In California. ―Today, President Obama signed into law his historic plan to create and save 3.5 million jobs and start to get the American economy back on track … This jobs and recovery plan will create or save almost 400,000 jobs in California by the end of 2010, including over 52,000 jobs here in the Inland Empire. (Rep. Joe Baca, ―Baca Hails President‘s Signature Of Historic Jobs Creation Bill, Press Release, 2/17/09)
REALITY: California Is One Of Six States With Unemployment Above 11.5 Percent. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #168: Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) Claimed Stimulus “Would Help Businesses Create Jobs.” ―This package will help businesses create jobs and families afford their bills while laying a foundation for future economic growth in key areas like health care, clean energy, education and a 21st century infrastructure. (Rep. Barbara Lee, ―Congresswoman Barbara Lee Applauds Passage Of Economic Recovery Package, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus, There Have Been Over 2.2 Million Jobs Lost Nationwide, Nearly 360,000 Jobs Lost In California. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #169: Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) Promised Stimulus Would Create Jobs In New Mexico. ―We need to inject capital into the economy to create jobs and get people back to work … This bill will help New Mexico build roads, invest in drinking water projects and create incentives to expand the manufacture of renewable energy technology. We need to get an economic recovery package to the president right away. (Sen. Jeff Bingaman, ―Bingaman & Udall: Bill Would Direct at Least $953 Million into New Mexico‘s Economy, Press Release, 2/10/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Passed In February, Unemployment In New Mexico Has Increased By Nearly 30 Percent From 5.4 Percent In February To 7 Percent In July. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #170: Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) Said Stimulus Would Help Oregon By Providing Badly Needed Jobs. ―‗This economic recovery legislation will create jobs Oregon and the nation desperately need right now,‘ said Wyden. ‗It also looks to the future by protecting over 300,000 Oregonians from the crushing alternative minimum tax, helping economically distressed homeowners and putting our schools on a better foundation.‘ (Sen. Ron Wyden, ―Senate Passes Economic Recovery Package, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed In February, Unemployment In Oregon Has Increased By Over 10 Percent From 10.7 Percent in February To 11.9 Percent In July. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, 8/24/09)
CLAIM #171: Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-OR) Claimed Stimulus Would Create 3.5 Million Jobs. “As well as creating and saving around 3.5 million jobs, this package is estimated to create $21 billion in new investments and lending to small businesses alone. (Rep. Kurt Schrader, ―Schrader Statement On US Chamber Of Commerce Support For His Vote On Economic Recovery Package, Press Release, 2/24/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus, There Have Been Over 2.2 Million Jobs Lost Nationwide. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/12/09)
CLAIM #172: Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) Claimed Stimulus Would Create 44,000 Jobs Across Oregon. ―The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will provide much needed relief to American families and a much needed immediate boost to our economy… In addition to creating an estimated 44,000 jobs across Oregon, this bill will give direct aid to our states, along with the hundreds of millions of dollars for improving and maintaining transportation, roads and bridges, healthcare, and education. (Rep. Earl Blumenauer, ―A Vote To Get Oregon Back On Its Feet, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus In February, Oregon Has Lost Over 44,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #173: Rep. John Salazar (D-CO) Claimed Stimulus “American Job Creation Effort.” ―I‘m proud to support this American job creation effort. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will help repair America‘s aging infrastructure, cut taxes and invest in new energy and the education of a 21st century workforce. (John Salazar, ―It‘s Time To Spend American Money On American Jobs, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Recently Distributed Stimulus Funds Going To Foreign Corporations Creating Jobs Overseas. ―Nearly half of the $2.4 billion in federal grant money awarded Wednesday to stimulate the U.S. economy and boost the production of hybrid and electric vehicles went to six companies with ties to places as far away as Russia, China, South Korea and France. ... But because so few American companies have the necessary technology, much of the money will initially go toward manufacturing electric vehicle batteries overseas. (Jerry Seper, ―Obama Sends Stimulus Aid To Foreign Firms, The Washington Times, 8/6/09)
CLAIM #174: Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-CO) Claimed Stimulus Bill Is “About Jobs.” ―That‘s what we will see in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. It‘s about jobs … (Rep. Ed Perlmutter, Congressional Record, 2/12/09, p. H1260)
REALITY: Much Of Spending Under Stimulus Has Nothing To Do With Creating Jobs. ―Unemployment has doubled to 9.5% from 4.8% in only 16 months ... How could this happen when Washington has thrown trillions of dollars into the pot, including the famous $787 billion in stimulus spending that was supposed to yield $1.50 in growth for every dollar spent? For a start, too much of the money went to transfer payments such as Medicaid, jobless benefits and the like that do nothing for jobs and growth. The spending that creates new jobs is new spending, particularly on infrastructure. It amounts to less than 10% of the stimulus package today. (Mortimer Zuckerman, OpEd, ―The Economy Is Even Worse Than You Think, The Wall Street Journal, 7/14/09)
CLAIM #175: Perlmutter Claimed Stimulus Bill Would Create Between 3 And 4 Million Jobs. ―This is a time for bold action, and in the Recovery and Reinvestment Act we will maintain or create somewhere between 3 million and 4 million jobs in the construction industry and the energy industry; we will maintain jobs of teachers and firefighters and policemen. (Rep. Ed Perlmutter, Congressional Record, 2/13/09, p. H1524)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus, There Have Been Over 2.2 Million Jobs Lost Nationwide. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/12/09)
CLAIM #176: Rep. Jim Matheson (D-UT) Claimed Job Creation Would Be Core Of Stimulus. ―The core of this bill deals with job creation … (Rep. Jim Matheson, ―Matheson Will Support Plan To Shore Up Utahns In The Recession, Press Release, 1/28/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus In February, Utah Has Lost Over 32,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #177: Rep. Dina Titus (D-NV) Claimed 34,000 Jobs Would Be Created Or Saved In Nevada. ―With this critical legislation, we are beginning the long and difficult process of restoring our economic security and putting our economy back on the right track. In my district alone, this plan will create or save more than 11,000 jobs, and 34,000 jobs statewide. (Rep. Dina Titus, ―Today Congress Took Bold Action To Create Jobs, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus In February, Nevada Has Lost Over 37,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #178: Rep. Brian Baird (D-WA) Claimed Stimulus Will “Ensure” People Get Back To Work. ―We have to get people back to work, and this legislation takes major steps to ensure that happens. (Rep. Brian Baird, ―Brian Takes Action To Save The Economy And Create Jobs, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: CBO Says Joblessness Will Increase. ―The Congressional Budget Office painted a worsening picture for joblessness on Tuesday: The CBO sees unemployment peaking at 10.4% next year from an average of 9.3% this year, before it falls to 9.1% in 2011. (Jia Lynn, ―Recovery Won‘t Improve Unemployment,, 8/25/09)
CLAIM #179: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) Claimed Stimulus’ Intent To Create Jobs. ―The hardworking men and women I represent want action - they want their federal government to do what is necessary to create jobs, help small businesses and lay the groundwork for long-term prosperity. These are the bottom-line reasons for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. (Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, ―Stimulus Bill Deserved My Vote, The Arizona Republic, 2/23/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed In February, Unemployment In Arizona Has Increased By Over 24 Percent From 7.4 Percent In February To 9.2 Percent In July. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, 8/24/09)
CLAIM #180: Rep. Harry Mitchell (D-AZ) Claimed Stimulus Funds Would Put People To Work. ―This stimulus funding will put people to work on projects that improve our infrastructure, conserve on environment and help reduce or dependence on foreign oil. (Rep. Harry Mitchell, ―Mitchell Announces $63.8 Million In Stimulus Funding for Energy Efficiency In Arizona, Press Release, 3/26/09)
REALITY Since Stimulus Was Passed In February Over 60,000 Jobs Have Been Lost In Arizona. (Bureau of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/26/09)
CLAIM #181: Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-NV) Claimed Stimulus Would Result In New Jobs For Nevada. ―We are making an historic investment in Nevada and our nation with this recovery package and the result will be new jobs, more clean energy, safer roads and lower taxes for 95% of all Americans. (Rep. Shelley Berkley, ―Economic Recovery Package Will Create New Jobs, Increase Clean Energy And Deliver Needed Tax Relief To Nevada Families, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed In February, Unemployment Rate In Nevada Has Risen By Almost 25 Percent From 7.4 Percent In February To 9.2 Percent In July. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, 8/24/09)
CLAIM #182: Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) Claimed Stimulus Would Create Jobs Quickly. ―This legislation will create jobs quickly, help restore purchasing power, assist those in need and begin to reignite our flagging economy. (Rep. Adam Schiff, Congressional Record, 1/28/09, p. H616)
REALITY: Only Small Fraction Of Stimulus Money Has Been Put To Use. ―Only about a tenth of the money has been spent so far, and only about half of it will have been spent by October 2010, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. (Kevin G. Hall and David Lightman, ―Did Team Obama Get It Wrong On The Stimulus? McClatchy, 7/7/09)
CLAIM #183: Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) Claimed Stimulus Would Provide Immediate Assistance. ―Our economy needs immediate assistance, and this package will provide it. It will get Americans back to work, rebuild our crumbling infrastructure, and provide crucial relief to our states and local governments. (Rep. Lynn Woolsey, ―Woolsey: ―This is $800 Billion Times Better Than What We Had Three Weeks Ago, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Counties In Need Of Jobs Not Getting Stimulus Funds. ―[T]he GAO said about half the money set aside for road and bridge repairs is being used to repave highways, rather than building new infrastructure. And state officials aren‘t steering the money toward counties that need jobs the most, auditors found. (Kimberly Hefling, ―Audit Finds States Using Stimulus To Stay Afloat, The Associated Press, 7/7/09)
CLAIM #184: Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) Claimed Stimulus Would Create Jobs Immediately. ―This bill meets that crisis head on by investing in programs that will create jobs now and pave the way for future
growth. (Sen. Jeff Merkley, ―Merkley: Economic Growth Package Contains Significant Help For Workers and States, Press
Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Job Losses Now At Historic Highs. ―The cumulative job losses over the last six months have been greater than for any other half year period since World War II, including the military demobilization after the war. The job losses are also now equal to the net job gains over the previous nine years, making this the only recession since the Great Depression to wipe out all job growth from the previous expansion. (Mortimer Zuckerman, Op-Ed, ―The Economy Is Even Worse Than
You Think, The Wall Street Journal, 7/14/09)
CLAIM #185: Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) Said Stimulus Would “Help Get Our Country Back On Track.” ―The House and Senate have taken a critical step forward by passing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. It will give our economy the jolt it needs, create jobs, and help get our country back on track, Senator Murray said in her speech. ―But we aren‘t done yet – we still need to get that bill to President Obama. And every day we wait, the economy gets worse. (Sen. Patty Murray, ―Murray Urges Support For Economic Recovery Bill, Press Release, 2/11/09)
REALITY: No Hope Among Americans That Stimulus Is Helping To End Recession. ―Six months after President Obama launched a $787 billion plan to right the nation‘s economy, a majority of Americans think the avalanche of new federal aid has cost too much and done too little to end the recession. (Brad Heath, ―Poll: 57% Don‘t See Stimulus Working, USA Today, 8/17/09)
CLAIM #186: Murray Said Stimulus Would Provide “Jump Start” For Washington State. Murray: ―Our state‘s economy is sputtering. This bill provides a jump start … This bill will help put money back in families‘ pockets, workers back on the job, and our economy back on track. While there is a lot of work still ahead, today we are taking the bold action needed to meet part of this challenge. (Sen. Patty Murray, ―Senator Murray Announces Washington State Investments in Economic Recovery Package, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed In February, Washington State Has Lost Over 22,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 8/24/09).
CLAIM #187: Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM) Said “Help Is On The Way” With Stimulus. ―With the passage of this bill, help is on the way. The $1.108 billion set aside for New Mexico will allow us to create good jobs while improving our state‘s roads, renovating schools and addressing a variety of other needs. In addition to the investments we‘ll be able to make through this bill, thousands of New Mexico families will receive tax relief … I‘m very glad we were able to get this bill done and to the president. (Sen. Tom Udall, ―Bingaman & Udall: N.M. Set To Receive $1.108 Billion To Create Jobs, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed In February, Unemployment In New Mexico Has Increased By Almost 30 Percent From 5.4 Percent in February To 7 Percent In July. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #188: Rep. Harry Teague (D-NM) Claimed Stimulus Would “Spur The Economy And Create Jobs”. ―So what we are doing is working with President Obama to put forward an economic recovery package to spur the economy and create jobs. (Rep. Harry Teague, Congressional Record, 1/28/09, p. H731)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Signed In February, America Has Lost More Than 2.2 Million Jobs, New Mexico Has Lost Nearly 20,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #189: Rep. David Wu (D-OR) Claimed Oregonians “Desperately Need” Stimulus. ―This bill will be good for Oregonians—it will keep our schools open longer, create jobs, fix some of our roads and bridges, and help plug the hole in the state budget gap. It could have been better, and I‘m proud to have fought for it to be better. Now that this long fight is nearly over, I am eager for money to begin flowing to those in Oregon who so desperately need it. (Rep. David Wu, ―Wu Continues To Fight For Education Funds As Economic Recovery Legislation Passes, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Signing Of Stimulus In February, Oregon Has Lost Over 44,000 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #190: Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-CO) Claimed Taxpayer Dollars Would Be “Spent Wisely And Effectively” In Stimulus. ―H.R. 1 has unprecedented accountability and transparency measures in place to ensure taxpayer dollars are spent wisely and effectively—including no earmarks and a new ( website allowing Americans to track the investments. I will continue to work with the President and my colleagues in Congress to stabilize our economy and promote job growth, (Rep. Ed Perlmutter, ―Rep. Perlmutter Praises President Obama Signing H.R. 1 Into Law In Denver, Press Release, 2/17/09)
REALITY: Vice President Biden Admitted Waste Already Happning. Biden: ―There are going to be mistakes made … Some people are being scammed already. (Pedro Nicolaci da Costa, ―Biden Says Some Waste Inevitable Part Of Stimulus, Reuters, 6/2/09)
CLAIM #191: Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) Said Stimulus Would Create Jobs Investing In Infrastructure. ―This bill will put Californians to work now building the highways, bridges, transit and rail systems, and renewable energy sources of the 21st century. (Sen. Barbara Boxer, ―Boxer Praises Passage Of Economic Recovery Legislation, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Infrastructure Projects Receiving Very Small Percentage of Stimulus Funds. ―According to the report, 90% of the money distributed has come in the form of increased federal education and health-care grants to state governments. This money has helped many state governments to partially offset budget shortfalls. A much smaller portion has been spent on transportation infrastructure projects, the GAO said. (Corey Boles, ―Flow of Stimulus Funds Slightly Exceeds Forecast, The Wall Street Journal, 7/8/09)
CLAIM #192: Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) Claimed “Targeted Investments” In Stimulus Would Put People To Work Quickly. ―This legislation will save or create 8,000 jobs in our district at a time when we really need them… With these targeted investments, we‘ll put people to work quickly and make our country more competitive over the long term. (Rep. Mike Thompson, ―Comprehensive Economic Recovery Package Passed By House, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Was Passed In February, Nearly 360,000 Jobs Have Been Lost In California. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 8/24/09)
CLAIM #193: Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) Claimed Stimulus “Creates Jobs Through Infrastructure Spending.” (Rep. Adam Schiff, ―House Passes Recovery And Reinvestment Act To Create Jobs Through Infrastructure Investment And Tax Cuts, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Since Stimulus Bill Was Signed In February, America Has Lost More Than 2.2 Million Jobs. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Website,, Accessed 8/7/09)
CLAIM #194: Rep. Betsy Markey (D-CO) Claimed Transparency In Stimulus Was “Landmark Provision” Of Bill. ―One of the landmark provisions of the economic recovery package is its unprecedented accountability and transparency, (Rep. Betsy Markey, ―Rep. Markey Names Economic Recovery Coordinator, Press Release, 3/2/09)
REALITY: No System In Place For Government To Report How Stimulus Money Is Spent. ―The report raises concerns about how states and the federal governments will report back on how the stimulus money is spent. The Office of Management and Budget has provided some guidance on how to report the information, but auditors suggest that the states will require more information. (Ed O‘Keefe, ―Eye Opener: Economic Stimulus Report, The Washington Post’s “Federal Eye” Blog, 7/8/09)
CLAIM #195: Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-OR) Said “Recovery Act Is Working.” (Rep. Kurt Schrader, Congressional Record, 7/29/09, p. H8964)
REALITY: Former Clinton Secretary Of Labor Says “There’s No Evidence That This Economy Is Doing Much Better.” ROBERT REICH: ―Anybody who says we‘re out of the woods or moving out of the woods has got to be lost at sea. I mean there‘s no evidence that this economy is doing much better. The best that can be said is that we‘re getting worse more slowly, and that is a small consolation for people who are losing their jobs. (ABC News‘ ―This Week, 8/23/09)
CLAIM #196: Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) Said Stimulus Would Help America Be Competitive And “Put Working America First.” ―This bill will create jobs in the short term, and help transform our economy so we‘re competitive in the long term… The Senate faced a choice this week to chart a new path to help our economy get up off the mat or to continue the same failed policies of the last eight years that created this crisis. We have chosen to put working America first. (Sen. Jeff Merkley, ―Merkley: Growth Package Charts New Path For Job Creation and Economic Recovery, Press Release, 2/10/09)
REALITY: Recently Distributed Stimulus Funds Going To Foreign Corporations Creating Jobs Overseas. ―Nearly half of the $2.4 billion in federal grant money awarded Wednesday to stimulate the U.S. economy and boost the production of hybrid and electric vehicles went to six companies with ties to places as far away as Russia, China, South Korea and France. ... But because so few American companies have the necessary technology, much of the money will initially go toward manufacturing electric vehicle batteries overseas. (Jerry Seper, ―Obama Sends Stimulus Aid To Foreign Firms, The Washington Times, 8/6/09)
CLAIM #197: Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO) Said Stimulus Was Necessary To Stop Economic Freefall. “I agree with President Obama and an array of economists from across the ideological spectrum that this bill is necessary to reverse our economic freefall and to position our nation for economic growth in the years that lie ahead. Being an eternal optimist, I am confident that we will all weather this economic storm and emerge even stronger. (Sen. Mark Udall, ―Senate Passes Economic Recovery Package, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Former Clinton Secretary Of Labor Says “There’s No Evidence That This Economy Is Doing Much Better.” ROBERT REICH: ―Anybody who says we‘re out of the woods or moving out of the woods has got to be lost at sea. I mean there‘s no evidence that this economy is doing much better. The best that can be said is that we‘re getting worse more slowly, and that is a small consolation for people who are losing their jobs. (ABC News‘ ―This Week, 8/23/09)
CLAIM #198: Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-CO) Claimed Stimulus Has Given Americans Reason To Smile. ―After months of bad news, Americans have something to smile about today. This bill passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama will rebuild, makes us more energy independent, transforms our economy for long-term growth and provides tax relief for 95% of working Americans. It is estimated to save or create 3.5 million jobs. (Rep. Ed Perlmutter, ―Rep. Perlmutter Praises President Obama Signing H.R. 1 Into Law In Denver, Press Release, 2/17/09)
REALITY: Americans Remaining Unemployed For Unprecedented Periods Of Time. ―[T]he rolls of the long-term unemployed are growing, with 29 percent of the jobless out of work for more than 26 weeks, the most since records began in 1948. (Matthew Benjamin And Alison Sider, ―Obama Stimulus Fails To Reboot Economy As No Multiplier Effect, Bloomberg, 7/17/09)
CLAIM #199: Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) Said Stimulus “Will Pay Us Back For Generations To Come.” ―This Jobs Bill will rebuild our economy from the ground up by putting folks to work and investing in people. We won‘t get out of this mess overnight, but passing the Jobs Bill is an important first step, and it will pay us back for generations to come. (Sen. Jon Tester, ―Baucus, Tester vote for final Jobs Bill, at least $626 million for Montana, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: In 2019, Due In Part To Stimulus Spending, National Debt Will Total Nearly $23 Trillion For Which “Generations To Come” Will Have To Pay. ―Deficits of that magnitude would require dramatically more government borrowing from China and other creditors, driving the accumulated national debt to nearly $23 trillion in 2019 -- or 76.5 percent of yearly gross domestic product, the highest proportion since 1950, the White House said. (Lori Montgomery, ―Deficit Projected to Soar With New Programs, The Washington Post, 8/26/09)
CLAIM #200: Rep. Martin Heinrich (D-NM) Said Stimulus Would Help America Compete Globally. ―This jobs creation package will rebuild America‘s economy, making us more globally competitive and energy independent, while providing 95% of Americans with immediate tax relief, (Rep. Martin Heinrich, ―New Mexico Delegation Supports American Recovery And Reinvestment Act That Could Create 22,000 Jobs In New Mexico, Press Release, 2/13/09)
REALITY: Recently Distributed Stimulus Funds Going To Foreign Corporations Creating Jobs Overseas. ―Nearly half of the $2.4 billion in federal grant money awarded Wednesday to stimulate the U.S. economy and boost the production of hybrid and electric vehicles went to six companies with ties to places as far away as Russia, China, South Korea and France. ... But because so few American companies have the necessary technology, much of the money will initially go toward manufacturing electric vehicle batteries overseas. (Jerry Seper, ―Obama Sends Stimulus Aid To Foreign Firms, The Washington Times, 8/6/09)